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We have talked about what has been going on, and we have talked about the post election possibilities.  Friday, Justice RBG was inconsiderate enough to finally succumb to cancer.  The political infighting started before most citizens even knew she had died.  Last night I started reading what I feared:  If "the Republicans seat a new Justice before the election, there will be (violence, war, revolt)." 

Before I go any further I will point out the hypocrisy of the Left.  The party of love and peace.  The party of Kumbaya.

Living in a violent region I am concerned about where we are headed over the next few months, and this ramps my anxiety to the next level.  I chose not to live in Cook County, because they limit what I can own and use.  However, I do work in Cook County.  I made the plan a while back that certain laws will be ignored.  The only way this plan will be exposed is if I face the level of danger I need to use the items, and at that point I will deal with the consequences.

I have asked this before as I started recent threads:  What are your thoughts and plans?

No resources to buy, move, do anything out of fear of an uprising!  Living where I live, one of the most expensive areas in the country with little hope of leaving...

I’ll just have to duck!  If they break down my door then I have little choice!

Not too sure I really wanna live in a society run by idiots! 

I'm not overly concerned, but I am streamlining.

We had a garage sale yesterday and got rid of a bunch of stuff that we just moved last year. I've also been selling safe queens and stockpiled ammo, and focusing only on that I think is viable and necessary. I told the gun store guy I handed this off to for consignment that as impressive as the hand-over lot was, I was keeping the really good stuff for myself!

PS: I could hear one of the owners actually drooling when he opened the crate of Russian 7.62x39 and saw the unopened tin plate seal.   ;D ;D ;D

Luckily, defensive-wise, we live at the end of a very suburban street some distance from downtown Savannah (about 15 miles).

We're on the cul-de-sac at the end of the street

We are surrounded by heavy woods from 1/4 mile deep to more on most sides. In one sense, we got no where to go, on another the Bad Guys have only 1 way in - if they take the street.

The house is standard brick (not the thin fascia brick) all around, so round-stopping to a degree.

We have copperheads, cottonmouths and Eastern diamond back rattlers in the woods. Every now and then I find a snake skin in the side yard against the house. The last one was venomous according to the bottom scale plates under the tail. This will be important in a moment.

There is a development - the backside of one - through the woods to the east. That one is is much easier to get to and through than ours. from the 2 open directions (others are all deep woods)

There are 3 other large developments in our development that are between the main street and us. And to get to our development, there are other large developments, as well as significant retail shops (Home Depot, Walmart, et al.) they can go through, i.e., juicier targets.


The house is wood construction, so not flame-proof.

I would expect some of the more adventurous bad actors to wander at us through the woods (hence the snake info above).

The house has lots of windows except on the south side, obviously since we're in southern GA. Most of the windows have wide-louvered blinds, so we can keep concealment on those. The eastern windows that face the woods do not - the woods are only 30 feet away from the east side of the house so light intrusion and summer-heating are not an issue. Concealment in those rooms is an issue, especially if BGs come through the woods or along the woods behind the other houses closer to the entrance, which is about 1/2 mile away.

Long-term survival and security will be an issue if things go really south, they will eventually find us.

I've obviously spent a lot of time recently re-evaluating our security here, and have judiciously staged goodies where I might need them - unbeknownst to my wonderful bride who still can't see the writing on the wall.

I listened raptly to Michael's podcast this past week, and agree 100% - we are in a situation we have not trained for. Hopefully, nothing will happen. If it does, it will be Marxist (devious and dishonest) and bad. I live in a deep red state but in a blue county, so I cannot hope for anything from .gov.

At least if they do make it here, it will likely be on a rampage making decisions that much easier. Likely.

There will be roits on or about nov3.   I am not sure if they will be before, after, that day or all of the above

I do know that after casting our ballets at 6 am, me and the misses are going for a drive to spend some time hiking.  Its something we both enjoy  and i doubt we will see another soul.  We will also be heavily armed.  Just in case.

200 year old wood building with in sight of down town, I don't plan on anything I can't have on me.   :-\



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