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Ruger LCP Mags and Holsters

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Big Frank:
I recently bought a ProMag 10 round and ProMag 15 round mag for my LCP. I don't have my sights set too high, no pun intended, because they're ProMags, but if they work it will be more fun wasting ammo quicker. Especially when I get the laser zeroed in. Here's what the LCP looks like with the 15 and 10 round mags loaded, and how they compare to the 6 and 7 round mags. And here are the 2 holsters I bought for it that are made to work with the Viridian REACTOR R5 Gen 2 laser. One is a DeSantis Sof Tuck for Viridian Reactor, Ambidextrous, and the other is a Viridian brand made of microfiber that comes with them now. You can see where the magnets are that turn the laser off when you holster the pistol, then it turns on again when you draw it out. Battery life of the 2 (1/3N) batteries is supposed to be 3 hours, or 5 hours if you have it set to strobe, which I think is easier to see. The laser came with a Blackhawk size 1 pocket holster, but I already have too much stuff in my pockets. The Viridian brand holster has the letters ECR molded in where the magnet is, for ECR INSTANT-ON Activation, but I don't remember what ECR stands for.

I bought a Techna Clip Gun Belt Clip so I wouldn't even need a holster to carry the gun clipped to my belt, but it won't work with the HOGUE HandALL Hybrid Grip Sleeve, and I'm not getting rid of that. I never was too keen on the idea of the Techna Clip anyway, but I wanted to check it out for myself. The HOGUE HandALL Hybrid Grip Sleeve is a more useful accessory IMO. It makes the grip longer and wider, and the soft rubber feels better than the hard plastic frame, so it should feel better when you shoot it.

Big Frank:
I have  new gun case for my LCP. I've had this decades old first aid kit lying empty for a long time. Last night I used Soft Scrub With Bleach to scrub the front of it, at first just rubbing it around with my finger, then using an old generic Scotch-Brite pad which I had to throw away after I cleaned my sink. The white wasn't very white, and it had dirty streaks on it too. I used the scratchy pad and lots of Goo Gone to get rid of the sticker that covered the back of the box. The body of it is a really nice shade of blue. I cut a piece of memory foam slightly undersize, but it was way too thick, so I cut it into 2 layers with a pair of scissors. I didn't know what to do to cut it in half, so I grabbed the scissors and started snipping. It worked! The new side is facing up. It's not exactly flat but it's close enough.When I scrubbed the lid, I scrubbed off some of the lettering in "FIRST AID KIT", so I went over it with a blue permanent marker tonight. My LCP with a 7 round mag just barely fits in the box. The memory foam is still on the thick side for the box with the gun in it, so I mash the gun down into it then close the lid and it stays shut. The box is about 4 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 1 3/8" outside measurements.

The foam is from a mattress topper my friend gave me. I cut it to fit my camping bed and it helps keep my air mattress from sliding around. Since it was for a bigger bed I have plenty left over, and used some in my Samsonite hard shell briefcase. That has my laptop accessories in it I take up north for movie night by the campfire. I used to put my single shot 20 gauge shotgun in the briefcase when it was broken down. The barrel fit diagonally, the forend fit in one corner, and the stock I cut down into a pistol grip fit in the opposite corner. One time my older brother saw my short shotgun and said, "Isn't that E-legal? (illegal)" and I told him no. But it was very close to the limit. It wasn't very useful and went to the Flint police department when they had a gun "buy back".

Frank, that one of the best ones I've seen in a while.
Hide in plain sight and in something most thieves would pass by. I know some guys who keep AR pistols in cheap-appearing (but modified on the inside) tennis racquet cases....but using a first aid kit for a pistol case tops that lar and away, IMHO.

Big Frank:
Thanks, PegLeg. I almost colored inside the lines too. ;D  I can toss the unloaded gun in the back of the car and not have to worry about prying eyes seeing it too. Ooh, this guy has a first aid kit, let's steal it, said (almost) no one, ever.

Subtle Patriot makes the Covert Pistol Planner for most firearms with a barrel up to 6” in length, plus an extra magazine, designed to simulate a daily planner. I've been thinking about getting one. You could walk around with it all day and no one would know what it is. They make a few different colors, plus they make matching rifle cases. There's the Black Covert Pistol Planner, the Lady Liberty Pistol Planner, and the Patriot Pistol Planner. Like people, they're all the same color on the inside. :)  The Lady Liberty is the least tactical, non-threatening looking one IMO, and basic black looks good too. You can replace the logo patch for quick customization, to make it look more or less like a gun case as you see fit. I think a non-firearms related business logo would be a good patch to put on it to remain stealthy. Not one like a Claymore image with Front Toward Enemy on it. I saw a Velcro patch to put on a uniform sleeve with 3 pen holders on it. I think it was Multicam color and 4" x 6". A plain black 2" x4" pen holder would be a great addition to the planner if you could find one.

Big Frank:
I forgot to post the picture of the First Responders Flag Patch Subtle Patriot makes for the Covert Pistol Planner. The Thin Blue Line used to refer to the army, but after more than a century, the police co-opted it with the Blue Lives Matter movement in 2014, so now the military is the Thin Green Line. Red of course is firefighters. Then there's gray and yellow and orange and other colors for dispatchers and whoever else. Give them all a stripe!



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