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Member Section => Down Range Cafe => Topic started by: Jim Kennedy-ar154me on February 24, 2016, 11:44:18 AM

Title: The flames of gun confiscation are again fanned.
Post by: Jim Kennedy-ar154me on February 24, 2016, 11:44:18 AM
This time in Lexington, Massachusetts.

From that article.

Lexington Facing Semi-Automatic gun Confiscation.

"One such town meeting member, a Harvard professor named Robert Rotberg has taken it upon himself to enact, what he hopes will be “a movement against assault weapons that would capture the state and therefore maybe explode to reach the country.”

Don't you love it when someone knows better than you do on how to run your life.
Title: Re: The flames of gun confiscation are again fanned.
Post by: Jim Kennedy-ar154me on February 24, 2016, 11:47:06 AM
A more in depth article on the issue quoted in the first story.
Title: Re: The flames of gun confiscation are again fanned.
Post by: tombogan03884 on February 24, 2016, 12:25:08 PM
They should be shot.
Just like the LAST  time they tried to confiscate military style guns in the Lexington area .
Title: Re: The flames of gun confiscation are again fanned.
Post by: Timothy on February 24, 2016, 04:09:19 PM
Most of this BS already exists here in the Peoples Republic.

You cannot buy a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds but you can own them if they were in the state prior to the 94 weapons ban.  The new part as is the "confiscation" part.

This will not happen anywhere but this little burg of elitist liberal asshats or Boston which already has it's own set of restrictions.  A state wide confiscation will prove to be as effective as it was in Connecticut!

Most of the populous outside the 128 corridor could frickin care less what happens in Lexington, Concord or any of the two dozen suburbs of Boston! 

It is SAD it's happening in a town where there are still musket balls imbedded in the door frames of house that were shot up on April 19, 1775!
Title: Re: The flames of gun confiscation are again fanned.
Post by: JC5123 on February 24, 2016, 04:59:00 PM
A couple weeks ago, I was listening to David Webb. He had a caller that mentioned if Dems get in, they are going to attempt confiscation. Webb promptly cut him off and labeled him chicken little.

I was angry enough to call in.

I told him that I felt that he was rude to the caller, and that he was doing a disservice to his audience by blowing off the issue of total confiscation. I cited the fact that every gun control group has called for that very thing, that both Hillary and Obama have both called for "Australian style" Gun legislation.

I asked him what he thought they meant. I finished by saying that I did think it was near impossible for complete disarmament of the American people, it is on the table, and that by not acknowledging that fact he was not presenting the full picture.
Title: Re: The flames of gun confiscation are again fanned.
Post by: TAB on February 24, 2016, 06:51:16 PM
they better come when I am not there and bring tools and a fork lift.  my safes are not light.  ( one is 1900#)

I will give them all the ammo they want.