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Member Section => Politics & RKBA => Topic started by: nosimij on January 21, 2020, 12:17:53 PM

Title: Voting against thought
Post by: nosimij on January 21, 2020, 12:17:53 PM
Ok I have LONG said that I have never voted for a politician.  I can think of 2 exceptions one was my father running for city councle when I was 18, the other is for our current congressman. 

To explain I have, exceptions noted above, never had a politician that I actually wanted to see win the office.  I have voted against candidates I disliked the most in more than just the last election.  This and the cast of candidates currently running has gotten me thinking that perhaps I should go to the primary switch sides and vote someone who is not likely to stand up to the candidate on the other side but is in the race on that side.

The truth is I so not like the handles of Democrat or Republican, but I am throwing this out to an assumed biased audience to see if it sticks.  I am not that smart that I would be the first to step back and wonder if I can influence the race by switching sides and voting against someone twice.  If I am voting against person X does it matter when I vote against them.  That is not in line with the "way it is supposed to work" but is it wrong???  In last presidential election I voted for the Ohio Governor instead of Trump because I did not want to see Trump on the ticket.  Trump got the nomination and was in the fight against Hillary.  This time I see a candidate in the primary that I think is someone who would be the worst for the country in my opinion should I feel self conscious about voting against that person in the primary even if I have to switch my declaration?  I am only casting 1 vote.  HMMM.  A long time till the primaries yet we will see...

Have you ever voted for a president?  Throw in your 2 cents to that discussion.
Title: Voting against thought
Post by: Timothy on January 21, 2020, 12:43:10 PM
I live in MA so whom I vote for has little effect on who gets into office.  The communist will get the vote in every election with the exception of the local and state elections.  Though our current governor is in the GOP, he's a sad excuse for a conservative.  His Lt Gov. is more suited to the task...

I can vote in either parties primary since I'm "un-enrolled" and don't belong to any of the four recognized parties here. 

Have I voted for a president?  Yes!  Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush and even Trump and though I didn't care for him and still don't like him on a personal level.  He has, however, surprised me and become the thorn in the side of the swamp, the DNC, the EU, the climate change asswipes and numerous other organizations that have chosen to deny our rights, over-regulate us and piss all over the Constitution!

So, I will definitely be supporting him in November and hope he can keep the economy moving in the right direction and further right the list of the country toward an ever leaning move toward capsizing!
Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: Jim Kennedy-ar154me on January 21, 2020, 03:03:25 PM
I am only casting 1 vote.  HMMM.  A long time till the primaries yet we will see...

There are many races, especially in the primaries, where 1 vote WILL make a large difference. I would NEVER consider your vote to be meaningless even with the current Liberals rigging every election they can.

Trump was not my 1st choice but since he has been in office the amount of pain he has given to those that want to take away our rights has entertained me to no end.

As far as switching sides for the primaries, that depends on the quality of the candidates on your "side". If your choice already looks like he/she is going to win for their party then I would switch sides to try to influence the "other side" to put up a candidate your choice has a better chance against. Just my 2 cents worth.
Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: Rastus on January 22, 2020, 07:02:36 AM
I think if it's one's passion (perhaps even one's duty to the Constitution as it were) then it's a good thing to jump ship and use the vote to go against someone "on the other side" who hates our way of life.  While the vote still has some slight meaning I think this is good.   

And just like MB says, the gun control debate was never a debate, just camouflage for their anti-gun activities that kept us looking right when we should have been looking left.  It is us they hate more than our guns.  On the larger stage, the left is not truly debating the economy, racism or whatever, it's not a debate.  It's a holding action to allow them to gain ground while we foolishly pursue the debate. 

I take this to be true.  They hate America.  The anti-US politics politics employed by the left are not truly a debate.  They are not debating.  They are building their ranks while we foolishly believe we can sway them with the truth. 

What is the truth?  It is that they want us gone. 

This Democrat or Republican ship thing sucks.  I vote for the person.  But you have brought up a very interesting point.  I think virtually all of us on this board vote for the person.  But, if I cannot have someone in a general election I like, then can or should I vote in a different primary to help go against a person I think is a bad person.  I like that.  It's a tool. 

More than that, the "Democrats" have used a form of what you suggest for decades now.  They are often called RINO's in the Republican party (but they do not make up all RINO's!).  They are politicians who include themselves in a group and say they support something and, truly the caveat is, they support anything that will get them elected.  They are liars, they are cheats. 

Now the Democrats are infected.  It happened a long time ago actually.

You see this in Elizabeth Warren who, as being exposed as "Fauxchohontas" has shown, is clearly a liar and calls herself a Democrat when in fact she is a totalitarian leftist.  Cherokees here in Oklahoma have called her out for lying about being an Indian for a long, long time. 

Look at Bernie and his ilk.  They are socialist/communists and not what I grew up with as being Democrats.  Not Democrats at all.  And make no mistake, Bernie's base, his support is not listening to the silly debate.  They hate us.  They want power.  And remember, so long as the swamp is will not be concerned.   

There is no criteria or pledge to go by to align oneself as Democrat or Republican.  We go to the local voter registration office and write down whatever we want....that's the criteria.  Then we get to vote in their primary. 

I think it would be a wonderful movement to swap ships and vote against bad people who want to destroy our way of life. 

Good call. 

And yes.  I have voted for a president.  Every time.  Of the choice I was presented there was only one with the highest score.  It may have been a low score, but it was a score nonetheless.  This is life.  This is reality.  If we had our own personal perfect candidate we totally agreed with, then other people would complain about having to hold their nose to vote for the "perfect candidate".   It is my belief that it is a nonsense debate to opine about not having a perfect candidate.  No one will ever be perfect.  The only perfect Man who lived on this planet was crucified. 

Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: Jim Kennedy-ar154me on January 22, 2020, 09:05:02 AM
^^^^^^^^^^ What Rastus said.^^^^^^^^^^
 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: nosimij on January 22, 2020, 11:40:49 AM
So the dream of the gun vote all going to cause a dark horse to blow out the front runner and the buy the vote guy is not complete nonsense. 

For the record I looked at the last election as who did I want to see war with.  I expected Hillary to cause a civil war and Trump to cause an international war but not full on WWIII.  I voted that way.  I like those in my community and did not want to watch them fight or have to fight them off.  That is the way I voted in 2016. 

From where I sit now coming into the 2020 election cycle we are not any new (BIG) international war and the civil war is at the cold war (Thank you Mr. Bane for that term) stage.  With what is going on in Virginia and other places the question of a hot civil war in the 2021 to 2025 presidential term no mater who is in the big chair will be on my mind as I pull the lever.  The campaign season and the hate that will fly between now and November I only hope that cool heads prevail.

Keep your heads on straight and the best of luck to us all.

Jump over in the primary and skew the vote.  That is what I am going to do.  Perhaps the parties will give us moderate candidates in 2024.
Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: Timothy on January 22, 2020, 12:00:40 PM
On a side note, I don't believe that whomever the left puts up as a candidate can defeat the incumbent!  I'm not alone in this thought as most, if not all conservative pols have similar opinions.

The MA primary is super Tuesday, March 3rd.  It should be pretty much over by then...
Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: nosimij on January 23, 2020, 11:56:40 AM

I hope you are right, but there were still 5 in the race against trump when I got to vote in May 2016.  We will see.

Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: Timothy on January 23, 2020, 12:08:04 PM

I hope you are right, but there were still 5 in the race against trump when I got to vote in May 2016.  We will see.

True enuf..

That primary was rigged for Hillary by most accounts though.

I've done what you're thinking of doing!  I entirely support your position ...
Title: Re: Voting against thought
Post by: MikeBjerum on January 25, 2020, 03:03:31 PM
On a side note, I don't believe that whomever the left puts up as a candidate can defeat the incumbent!  I'm not alone in this thought as most, if not all conservative pols have similar opinions.

The MA primary is super Tuesday, March 3rd.  It should be pretty much over by then...

This right here is what is driving the impeachment, the trial, and the timing of the trial.  Them Democrats know they can't beat Trump.  They also have huge turmoil in their own party, both those in office and the herd running for president.  They are trying to do two things:  1.  Get the sitting president out of office, because they don't trust us; and 2.  To cause enough confusion in the public that they can appoint their chosen candidate, regardless of the primaries and caucuses.