ICORE just posted the results of their 2024 Postal Match. I did okay, for me. I think. They've made it difficult to tell.
They decided not to utilize Practiscore, this year. They did in 2023, but now they've posted their own PDFs of Google Sheets they created. Unfortunately these "sheets" aren't searchable and are not copy-able. They didn't number the results, so you have to actually count down the rows to see how you did. I was confused why they had a "Master" results document, but not one for "A", "B", "C" and "D" classification. Then I realized they redefined the term Master, as in Combined. Combined all the scores together - master.
The best I can count is I ended up 63 out of 184 Classic division shooters. WELL EXCEPT. Being a postal match, you can enter multiple times. Well that's confusing, because if I took out the multiple entries only counting each person's best score then I'd move up some, though then there'd be less entries.
Sorry. Just ranting because they misspelt my name. But seriously folks the tool is there. It's free. Use it.