Author Topic: Competition 2025  (Read 549 times)


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Competition 2025
« on: January 07, 2025, 04:15:14 PM »
So starting off the new year, I've decided I want to emphasize Steel Challenge and Rimfire Challenge.  ICORE second and IDPA third.

However, I've confirmed that CMP in Talladega is preparing to hold NRA Action Pistol (Bianchi Cup) matches starting soon.  It's on my bucket list to compete in BC at least once.  This will afford me some practice and who knows, maybe BC might move to CMP.

IDPA Nationals are too far away and not in a place I want to "tourist".  IDPA State is the same day a Miss Kitty's wedding anniversary.  Ain't going to happen, no way.

So besides Steel and Rimfire, it leaves ICORE Southern Regional and maybe, just for fun a couple of GSSF matches. 

Things are a little slow match-wise because it's winter I guess. 
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USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2025, 10:10:39 PM »
Well heck.  I competed (poorly) when Rimfire Challenge was the Ruger Rimfire Challenge was held at USSA.  I've pretty much been tied down to work and family since then and I'm way off the mark on knowing what to do to get ready for the Rimfire Challenge.  Hopefully I can dedicate some time and make a few matches this year.  Same with the Steel Challenge.

So Alf...(and anyone else competing in the matches) lets talk about the newest hardware hacks and practice regimens (to include how to address the problems of aging).  I've got 20k plus rounds of 22 that needs to be burned up because it's getting old.  I know I need to burn through 4,000-5,000 rounds to maybe avoid being in the "clown class" and avoid being a joke. 

Heck...I really wish Les was here to talk about old eyes and how to address that part of the equation. 

Regardless I need to haul out what I have locked down in the move to the woods and take inventory.  While it's really cold address some hardware enhancements and repairs.  Then try it out on a warm day.


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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2025, 09:03:45 AM »
BTB: This thread is for anybody to use to share their competition experience, not just me.

Rastus, you can fiddle forever with the RF guns.  I’m going to happy with my 2 10/22s (light barrel and Ruger target trigger) and my 22/45 Lites.  In my declining years I don’t think further equipment upgrades are going to do much for my scores.  My final buys for these guns will be another BX trigger for the first rifle and two more deVang comps for the new guns. (The deVang isn’t really a comp, but a flash suppressor.  Sends the flash and noise forward.).
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USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2025, 08:48:03 PM »
Yeah I used a Browning Buckmark with a TacSol barrel back when and a dot...still have it.  Not the most reliable 22 pistol in the world.  I got the longer 7" bbl for velocity reasons to hunt a bit with but I think that isn't what I need to compete with.

I have a Sig Mosquito which I really love to shoot but it is way unreliable.  The Ruger MarkII I have is a government competition model...way to heavy.

So I'm thinking moving to a new gun for competition and I figure that's going to be a Ruger Mark IV?  Any other suggestions out there?

I do have a nice Ruger 10/22....all blue and such with a TacSol bbl, light nice stock and a matching blue Leupold scope.  Thanks to MB or that giveaway back many many years ago.  So of course I can't go with a scope but should I go with a dot or open sights?  Are their classes for each?
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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2025, 10:58:18 AM »
In both Rimfire Challenge and Steel Challenge there are Optic and Iron divisions.  I don't think anybody uses anything but red-dots in the Optic division.

Without going to the expensive, custom made guns like TandemKross or Volquartzen, Ruger 10/22 and Mark IV are common at least their actions are common.  So is the comparable S&W and some use the Buckmark.  I drank the Ruger Koolaide many years ago but have since rehab'd, however you just can't beat the price and the aftermarket products for their guns.
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USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #5 on: Today at 08:57:57 AM »


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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2025, 09:49:44 PM »
I'll stick with the 10/22 I have but I'll need that new MKIV type pistol.  Replacing the scope with an optic on the 10/22 I suppose the old Cmore are old hat these days.  I do like how you can change the size of the reticle on them though.  I hear a lot about the Holosun but I hate buying from the CCP. 

Modern suggestions for the 10/22 optic?
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2025, 09:00:43 AM »
CMore’s history is more of competition while the others are more EDC.  I’ve played with red dots since the original Aimpoint 1000 didn’t like them because of my astigmatism. Now that that’s been fixed , I’m love’n them more.  Vortex and Holosun are two pretty good ones.  They make both small size for EDC and slightly larger for Competition.  I have a simple Vortex red dot on my rifles because there’s never a problem finding the dot.  With the pistols I’ve come to love the Holosun Comp which has a selectable reticle.  Large circle and small circle, each with or without the center dot.  Or just the dot by itself.  Red or green.  While not a fan of the Chinese, I’ll say this for them, most bend over backwards to provide customer service.  Lost a part of my Vortex rail mount and they had me a whole new mount within 3days.

Side Notes:

Some CMores, and others, strictly for competition, have lousy battery life.  Many competitors just put in new batteries each match.  I chuckle at them turning their dots on and off at each stage.  Those , like Holosun and Vortex, are of the EDC world where shake-on and battery life are paramount.  I don’t even check any more except the first stage.

I think the US consumer is at a point with China now, that the post WWII generations were with Japanese products in the ‘60s.  Slightly different circumstances.
Will work for ammo
USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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Re: Competition 2025
« Reply #7 on: Yesterday at 10:55:05 AM »
Recent notes on shooting around the ATL.

Talladega Marksmanship Park (TMP-CMP):  My shooting buddies were over there for the monthly Steel Challenge and confirmed the mover is complete and looks really professional.  I'm guessing at this point they're waiting till after the Bianchi Cup to start matches at TMP. 

(forgive me if I repeat myself).   River Bend GC now allows Steel Challenge practice on 7 bays.  My buddies have built bases and correct sized posts for most of the stages.  Between the 5 of us we have almost 2 complete practice sets.  I have 4-10" and a 12" round so I can practice 5-to-Go.  It and Pendulum are arguably the hardest so I want to master it.  Next month I'll add 2 more 12" plates then I can do Pendulum.   We use to practice early mornings, but they've gotten lazy and don't go till almost 10am.  With my own plates I'm not bound to their schedule.    I'm within 2 seconds of Class B in both RF Rifle divisions (optic and iron sights).  Will be going to the Talladega shoot in March to see if I can bump myself up one class.  I'll also see if anyone have more info on Action Pistol.

GSSF-River Bend (Dawsonville, GA) is next month and is one of the two largest Glock shoots.  3 days long with over 1,000 entries.  Been practicing my falling plates.  Will need to double check my sights on paper before  then.  For those not familiar, it's 3 stages, always the same three with minor variation.  It's pretty much first-come-first-serve at each bay.  If it's not crowded you can be in and out in an hour.  You don't have to stay for 3 days, if you were wondering.  I shoot it twice in two divisions;  Amateur Civilian and Competition.  The later is both amateurs and master shooters competing, but there is a prize for high amateur.

Did IDPA this weekend.  It was marvelous weather with the rain ending about 5am.  However, half the entries dropped out giving "weather" as their excuse.  So the 30 of us left were pretty much the hard core shooters.  I did snubby revolver and not surprisingly was near the bottom.  Been 6 months and I was a little rusty on the rules, but didn't get a PE. 

Stay safe out there and get out and shoot.
Will work for ammo
USAF MAC 437th MAW 1968-1972


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