Tag: Michael Bane

Fun With Precision Rifles

This week we finally get under way on our Ruger Precision Rifle update. We also bring our FN long-range .308, now with an older Crimson Trace scope, out for a little work.

1911 Jewels!

This week we dip back into our extensive video library for a show on Michael’s treasures, 4 1911s that have a special meaning.

In Praise of the Non-Shotgun Firearm

Sometimes, when a 12-gauge response might be or is required, the best choice can be the ubiquitous non-shotgun firearm, like the Mossberg Shockwave or the Remington TAC-14. Michael’s choice is the Rock Island VRF-14…semiauto, magazine fed and fitted with a 1000 lumen/green laser from Streamlight.

Greater Than the Sum of the Parts!

Custom guns can be fun to own and shoot. Over the years Michael had had several customs assembled out of parts from other guns. Some were home runs; some weren’t. Plus, an old friend’s gun.

What Happens When You Clean Out the Safe….

This week, Michael talks some more on one of his “ancient” competition guns, a Rock Island hi-cap 9mm built for USPSA shooting. Also, the importance of self-defense insurance for the armed civilian.

A Breakthrough Product from Steiner!

This week Michael take a look at the new Steiner TOR-X, a green laser integrated with the fantastic Mantis X training system, The Mantis X. You can also use the Laser Training function of the Mantis X system, and you’ll always have your Laser and Mantis X with you! Also, a look at one of Michael's old warhorses, a Rock Island Armory hi-cap 9mm set up for USPSA.

PDW In A Bag Returns

This week, spurred on by an excellent article in “Shooting Illustrated,” Michael returns to one of his favorite topic, the PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) in an unobtrusive bag.

Michael Cowboys Up!

This week, Michael eschews politics for a hat, a pair of cowboy boots and a boatload of cowboy guns for a fun Saturday shooting a SASS match. He also introduces a new training device from a surprising place — Steiner Optics.

Lucid’s Newest Blue Dot Sight!

This week we take a look at Lucid Optics E7, an enclosed emitter blue dot sight. According to Lucid’s research, blue has a lot going for it in a “red” dot sight. Also, the final decision on which S&W Ultimate Carry snub to keep…take the gun; leave the cannoli?

The Bullet That Missed

Monsters rise to the chum…every single time...