Author Topic: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...  (Read 30216 times)


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2010, 03:29:21 PM »
We as a nation have the most armed citizenry on the surface of the Earth.

"According to the ATF report Firearms Commerce in the United States—2001/2002, during the one-hundred year period from 1899 through 1999, an estimated 248 million guns became available for sale in the United States (not including those produced for the military). This number included more than 87 million rifles, 86 million handguns, and 72 million shotguns."

That's a hell of a lot of weapons to, "lay down and go quietly". Remember estimates show a total of only 50 million AK's produced world wide since 1947. And look at how much hell they have raised in the hands of peasants.   

As Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto said in one of the great quotations of World War II, ""You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."

And don't forget, a lot of guns have been sold since 1941 !  Bill T.

Trouble is, you and kilopopparomeo own half of them. Take you two out and we're screwed. ;D


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #31 on: February 25, 2010, 12:52:35 AM »
This sounds like somthing from a survival novelette.
Here's the good part:
"Projectiles with uranium shells that when fired will pass through buildings with such power and velocity that they will suck human bodies right out with them through the hole they create in buildings as they emerge (of course destroying the bodies in the process)."
That is Total BS!


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #32 on: February 25, 2010, 01:32:21 AM »
This sounds like somthing from a survival novelette.
Here's the good part:
"Projectiles with uranium shells that when fired will pass through buildings with such power and velocity that they will suck human bodies right out with them through the hole they create in buildings as they emerge (of course destroying the bodies in the process)."
That is Total BS!

I bet Alex Jones swears he has 2 of them hidden on his prison planet. A holes like him do the Governments work by spreading crap only a mindless fool would believe. In the mean time it discredits more mundane, but far more legitimate concerns.

You all have FAR more faith in our Military and Police showing discretion than I do.  Have you all forgotten the conduct of cops during Katrina ?
I would be pleasantly surprised if 25% of troops did not fall to  the "Orders are orders" syndrome.
10% for cops.


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #33 on: February 25, 2010, 07:05:43 AM »
You all have FAR more faith in our Military and Police showing discretion than I do.  Have you all forgotten the conduct of cops during Katrina ?

Military, yes. Police, no. The reason is attitude. You have to pass a psych test to become a cop. They want more of the programmable, mindless robot, elitist type. Like buying a new computer with a fresh hard drive. You can set it up most any way you want. Most military, and ex military guys and women are a far different breed than cops. Just go on some of these law enforcement based gun forums and you'll see. You can spot the cops by their posts. All of them have a "holier than thou", elitist, type of attitude toward civilians. They think because they're cops, their knowledge and ability with firearms has to be, and in fact is, far superior to the common citizen who owns and shoots firearms, based on the fact they, "use firearms for a living". It, of course is all B.S., but it's their credo.

Soldiers have no where near the attitude cops have when dealing with civilians. How many times have any of you been stopped for a minor traffic infraction and the cop, male or female, gets out of the car, and the first thing they put on is the attitude? It happens all too frequently. I remember shortly after 9/11 Melanie was applying for a job right across the street from Luke Air Force Base. They had the roads all closed off around the base with soldiers with M-16's everywhere. When one approached we asked how we could get there, he couldn't have been nicer or more polite.

This whole scenario will never happen. Yes, it's happened in other countries, but those people have had government in their face from day one. It's a way of life in socialistic Europe, and in many of these banana republic nations. None of them have enjoyed the freedoms we have, for as long as we have. That makes all the difference. I personally would rather die than live the way they do. I think there are more like me, than like these European, socialist citizens who have the mindset the government "owes" them from womb to tomb.   Bill T.


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2010, 11:19:03 AM »
Military, yes. Police, no. The reason is attitude. You have to pass a psych test to become a cop. They want more of the programmable, mindless robot, elitist type. Like buying a new computer with a fresh hard drive. You can set it up most any way you want. Most military, and ex military guys and women are a far different breed than cops. Just go on some of these law enforcement based gun forums and you'll see. You can spot the cops by their posts. All of them have a "holier than thou", elitist, type of attitude toward civilians. They think because they're cops, their knowledge and ability with firearms has to be, and in fact is, far superior to the common citizen who owns and shoots firearms, based on the fact they, "use firearms for a living". It, of course is all B.S., but it's their credo.

Soldiers have no where near the attitude cops have when dealing with civilians. How many times have any of you been stopped for a minor traffic infraction and the cop, male or female, gets out of the car, and the first thing they put on is the attitude? It happens all too frequently. I remember shortly after 9/11 Melanie was applying for a job right across the street from Luke Air Force Base. They had the roads all closed off around the base with soldiers with M-16's everywhere. When one approached we asked how we could get there, he couldn't have been nicer or more polite.

This whole scenario will never happen. Yes, it's happened in other countries, but those people have had government in their face from day one. It's a way of life in socialistic Europe, and in many of these banana republic nations. None of them have enjoyed the freedoms we have, for as long as we have. That makes all the difference. I personally would rather die than live the way they do. I think there are more like me, than like these European, socialist citizens who have the mindset the government "owes" them from womb to tomb.   Bill T.

What do you think the "Nanny Staters are trying to condition us for with their "Welfare" "Healthcare" and "Entitlements" ?


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2010, 11:38:58 AM »
The citizens of every military dictatorship in history thought the same thing. "They won't shoot/imprison/torture me. I went to high school with that guy/taught her third grade". Guess what, military training is brainwashing. I don't mean that in a bad way, its just that it gets us to sublimate our most basic instincts, like survival and "thou shalt not kill" in the service of the country as defined by those above you. You may hope our troops snap out of it. I don't. Hell in the late "80s, I was trained to fight on the "nuclear battlefield". We were to to do decon with borax, take anti-rad pills, all so we could kill some poor SOB who was dying of radiation sickness right along side of us. Yet the protocol was drilled into our young heads. Its why authoritarian governments use regionally diverse troops. Send the Alabama boys to NY and the yankees to Alabama. You are more of an optimist than me Bill.

Wow! Thats a pretty elitist view of our military. You do realize of course, that our military is the best trained most highly educated force on the planet? Hell one of the primary requirements in our military academies is ethics. Our soldiers take extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties. That mentality doesn't disappear.
Also, the reason for this "brainwashing" to use your word is to eliminate the individual and force you to work as a team. And that is the way 90% of the soldiers I know feel about it. It doesn't matter where you're from, you are an American soldier and I'm proud to fight by your side.
Even you FQ could kill a man with a weapon pointed at you. You don't even have to think about it. But ask yourself, could you look into the eyes of a scared, defenseless person, and pull the trigger just because your government told you to? I think you should give our military a lot more credit for morality, and conscience . Because your comments here are starting to sound very John Kerryish.
I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery.
God grant that I may not be found wanting,
that I will not fail this sacred trust.


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2010, 12:01:31 PM »
What do you think the "Nanny Staters are trying to condition us for with their "Welfare" "Healthcare" and "Entitlements" ?

It's backfiring in the worst way possible. That is what got the Tea Party movement rolling. Just about everyone with a pulse sees California as the perfect model of What Not To Do! Arnold's poll numbers are in the low 27% range. He makes Bush look like an American Idol winner. You have a tremendous amount of conservatives, both Republican, as well as independent, who are seeing a Hussein run nation in the same light as California, and they're either running from it, or else they're up in arms about it, (Tea Party). Either way it spells doom for the liberal democrats and their big government policies.

Look at the smoke and mirrors act Hussein is trying to pull off today with his asinine, "Health Care Summit". Why have a "summit" to push something no one wants? The man is desperate. And it isn't the Republicans that are train wrecking this whole thing. It's his own party. The Republicans don't matter. They've got 59 seats and they only need 51 votes, and they simply don't have them, bribes and all.

The only people who want the entitlements are the worthless minorities. There aren't enough to matter. Blacks only comprise about 11% of the population. And out of that 11% less than 1/3rd are old enough, and in fact do vote. Hispanics are mostly illegal and don't vote. No matter how you slice the cake, liberal big government is finished. Hussein has put them on this Kamikaze course, and it's too late to pull out of the dive. Don't even bother to load your guns. Sit back and watch the wreck. It will be fun.  Bill T. 


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2010, 12:02:51 PM »
The citizens of every military dictatorship in history thought the same thing. "They won't shoot/imprison/torture me. I went to high school with that guy/taught her third grade". Guess what, military training is brainwashing. I don't mean that in a bad way, its just that it gets us to sublimate our most basic instincts, like survival and "thou shalt not kill" in the service of the country as defined by those above you. You may hope our troops snap out of it. I don't. Hell in the late "80s, I was trained to fight on the "nuclear battlefield". We were to to do decon with borax, take anti-rad pills, all so we could kill some poor SOB who was dying of radiation sickness right along side of us. Yet the protocol was drilled into our young heads. Its why authoritarian governments use regionally diverse troops. Send the Alabama boys to NY and the yankees to Alabama. You are more of an optimist than me Bill.

I remember watching videos of the First Gulf War on TV.  In one, US troops had just taken one of the bunkers set out at the border.  These bunkers contained Iraqi troops who were rounded up and put into service with no training.  They were, however, told to fight till death because the US Troops, being so far from home, had run out of food and would eat POWs.  

Well, The video showed the first Iraqi emerging from one of the bunkers.  He was clearly terrified and appeared to be begging, no doubt for his life.  The US soldier, while keeping him covered with his M16, reached out with a comforting hand as if saying "It's OK.  We won't hurtl you".

I was never more proud to have these men in our Armed Forces.  I know he was also frightened, not knowing what to expect, but his compassion for a fellow human who was terrified of  him was plain to see.  

It might not have been the wisest move in while taking prisoners, but it was the most honorable.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
—Patrick Henry

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2010, 01:43:06 PM »
     As most of ya'll know by now I work for a class one railroad and can shed a little light on the amount of railcars in mothballs. Here is a little bit from the U.P. railroad (State of the Business) post on our companies website this past week.
State of the Business
February 22, 2010 | 11:45 a.m. CST

"State of the Business" is a weekly update of Union Pacific's network. It provides an overview of the railroad's current status, outlook drivers and new business.

Current Status

Seven-day carload rate is up about 5,400 from the prior week to 167,600.** 
About 1,600 locomotives are in short- and long-term storage, 39,000 freight cars stored and 3,600 TE&Y employees furloughed. 

     As ya'll can see the Economy still has are carloads down enough to require 39,000 cars to be stored in mothballs. This time last year this number was closer to 70K. We got to put them somewhere!!!

     I am not saying that the Government doesn't have several plans as to how they would deal with a real Revolt. (They seem to love to pay Millions to plan just about everything) But all this does seem to be at least a bit extreme :o Killing my wife and kids is NOT going to make me Complacent! What was it Yamato said after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? "I think we just woke a sleeping Giant!"     I don't care what uniform your wear or not. Harm mine and I won't hesitate!
   Just my thoughts.... 8)
(Prepare for the Worst and Don't always expect the Best!!!)


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2010, 02:13:33 PM »
I don't care what uniform your wear or not. Harm mine and I won't hesitate!   Cutter

That's pretty much my attitude as well. I don't bother or harm anyone. I am a burden to no one. Don't bother me, and I will treat you the same. If they want to make trouble where none exists, so be it.  Bill T.


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