Author Topic: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...  (Read 30222 times)


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #40 on: February 25, 2010, 02:18:50 PM »
Wow! Thats a pretty elitist view of our military. You do realize of course, that our military is the best trained most highly educated force on the planet? Hell one of the primary requirements in our military academies is ethics. Our soldiers take extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties. That mentality doesn't disappear.
Also, the reason for this "brainwashing" to use your word is to eliminate the individual and force you to work as a team. And that is the way 90% of the soldiers I know feel about it. It doesn't matter where you're from, you are an American soldier and I'm proud to fight by your side.
Even you FQ could kill a man with a weapon pointed at you. You don't even have to think about it. But ask yourself, could you look into the eyes of a scared, defenseless person, and pull the trigger just because your government told you to? I think you should give our military a lot more credit for morality, and conscience . Because your comments here are starting to sound very John Kerryish.
Having never wind surfed I resent the Kerry comment. ;D I also think we're having two different arguments. Do I believe our troops are going to participate in a tinfoil defecient, Alex Jones fantasy of blindly following the anti-christ/UN/Free Mason/Great Pumpkin plot to round people up and send them in specially designed box cars to FEMA death camps with shiny new Guillotines? No. Do I think that in a condition of civil unrest such as the LA riots or Katrina that its going to be the rare soldier who says "That's an unlawful order Colonel, I refuse to obey"? Again yes. File a complaint later yes, but refuse an order to sieze a gun, forcibly evacuate, enforce an illegal curfew or the like under arms in the field I am not so confident.  No elitism or lack of love for the army, just looking at the historical record.


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2010, 07:01:32 PM »
Well, I might as well jump in with both feet. 

First, seriously?! 

There is a thread that is now 5 pages long on this?  Just because some clown has a couple of links to other clowns (M'ette I'm not talking your original post, but what it contains so keep the powder dry :D).  Admittedly, I only read part of the drivel and then fast forwarded to the comments by my comrades here.  That's the best stuff anyway. ;D

As I have previously mentioned, I only read part of the offering and didn't notice the Alex Jones trademarked "judas goat" epithet that surely must be hidden in this donkey excrement.  If not Alex Jones, it must have been authored by someone of the same ilk: pure fantasy.

I am not naive.  Yes, those with power can use said power in evil ways but  I would ask everyone involved in this little thought experiment to remember actual events.  This great republic will not end in a roar but a whimper.  It will be the death of a thousand paper cuts.  Incremental-ism is the enemy, not a phantom declaration of martial law.  Spend your time more constructively.  Fight tooth and nail for every incremental revocation of our God given rights.  Bush and the vast majority of Congress wanted to push through an amnesty bill.  Well, if memory serves...  Obama wanted "health care reform" and cap and trade before August of '09 and he and his minions are still trying to shine up those turds.  The point here being, when the rubber hits the road the American people will eventually, dragging and screaming, get their elected representatives to see the light or suffer a fate worse than death:  not being re-elected.

Again, seriously!?  Guillotines?  You folks are better than that.
The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #42 on: February 25, 2010, 08:01:56 PM » gets more clear if you put some of the heavy duty tinfoil on your head.  It shields you from the government's faux rays.  The faux rays create an illusion of peace and welfare....beware the faux rays.  Keep your tinfoil on.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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The person who has nothing for which his is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
- J.S. Mill


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #44 on: February 26, 2010, 12:05:08 AM »
Wow! Thats a pretty elitist view of our military. You do realize of course, that our military is the best trained most highly educated force on the planet? Ever ! Hell one of the primary requirements in our military academies is ethics. More than Congress

WASHINGTON – Rep. Charles Rangel, the most powerful tax-writing lawmaker in Congress and a 40-year veteran of Capitol Hill, acknowledged Thursday that an ethics panel has accused him of accepting corporate money for Caribbean trips in violation of House rules.

The findings are certain to raise questions of whether Rangel, a New York Democrat, can continue as Ways and Means Committee chairman in an election year. Democrats took over the House in 2006 on a campaign promise to "end a culture of corruption" in Congress that they blamed on 12 years of Republican rule.
The ethics panel also ended another widespread investigation Thursday, saying it found no violations of House rules by seven lawmakers who steered government money and projects and contracts to favored companies that donated to their re-election campaigns.

A copy of the letters and an accompanying report on them were obtained by The Associated Press. All seven — five Democrats and two Republicans — are or were senior members of the House Appropriations Committee.

The most prominent of the them was the late Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., the former chairman of the defense appropriations subcommittee who died earlier this month. The other six lawmakers exonerated in that probe are Reps. Norman Dicks, D-Wash.; Jim Moran, D-Va.; Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio; Peter Visclosky, D-Ind.; Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan.; and C.W. "Bill" Young, R-Fla.

The appropriations went to companies represented by a now-defunct lobbying firm known as PMA Group — formerly Paul Magliocchetti Associates.

 Our soldiers take extraordinary measures to avoid civilian casualties. That mentality doesn't disappear.
Also, the reason for this "brainwashing" to use your word is to eliminate the individual and force you to work as a team. And that is the way 90% of the soldiers I know feel about it. It doesn't matter where you're from, you are an American soldier and I'm proud to fight by your side.
Even you FQ could kill a man with a weapon pointed at you. You don't even have to think about it. But ask yourself, could you look into the eyes of a scared, defenseless person, and pull the trigger just because your government told you to? I think you should give our military a lot more credit for morality, and conscience . Because your comments here are starting to sound very John Kerryish.

I bet the people of Russia and Germany, thought the same thing .
But you are not looking at it from the right angle, The Military and Police are a nationally linked Bureaucracy, the first tier are pretty predictable, that's the "Paper Pushers who will simply push the papers, whether they be to free slaves or machine gun Bosnian Muslim men .
The next level is resistance needs to start, Unit Commanders will decide for themselves and their troops will most likely obey them with no idea what the situation actually is.

Having never wind surfed I resent the Kerry comment. ;D I also think we're having two different arguments. Do I believe our troops are going to participate in a tinfoil defecient, Alex Jones fantasy of blindly following the anti-christ/UN/Free Mason/Great Pumpkin plot to round people up and send them in specially designed box cars to FEMA death camps with shiny new Guillotines? No. Do I think that in a condition of civil unrest such as the LA riots or Katrina that its going to be the rare soldier who says "That's an unlawful order Colonel, I refuse to obey"? Again yes. File a complaint later yes, but refuse an order to sieze a gun, forcibly evacuate, enforce an illegal curfew or the like under arms in the field I am not so confident.  No elitism or lack of love for the army, just looking at the historical record.

I need to buy a lottery ticket, I think FQ summed up my opinion pretty well.
I think it will be just like Lexington.
Both sides were looking for "Someone" to decide whether or not to fire, Then "some did, then EVERYBODY did.
The Infamous "Boston Massacre" happened because 6 soldiers misheard their officers order "For God's sake, don't FIRE !"
They only heard "FIRE!" while they were being Jeered, Jostled, and pelted with snowballs. So they did.
Kent State presents an even better example though, of a confused situation getting out of control at a political Rally (Chicago, 1968, Dem convention . )
The US Military  has already been used  in exactly that way. George Washington led out the entire Army to put down the "Whiskey Rebellion".
Then of course there was the first Civil War where in some cases troops not only fired on "Fellow  Americans"but some times they fired at relatives and life long friends.
Any body ever heard of the "Bonus Marchers" and the story of how on Presidential Orders,  Gen. MacArthur ordered troops under Capt. Patton to use bayonets, tear gas and Tanks, to disperse a protester shanty town Composed of homeless WWI veterans forced out of work by the Depression


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2010, 12:02:45 AM »
Damn~~ Talk about some input....I actually think Warph posted it on another thread to get them all stirred up.. ( which it did) and by golly I'd say it worked on this one too. I didn't mean for it to make anyone crazy..

I took nothing personal Brosometel... I didn't write it.. I only copied and pasted and posted..  :)
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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #46 on: February 27, 2010, 12:15:50 AM »
Ok... after I posted it got me to thinking I looked around a bit... found this....)
I understand that the "articles" were stretched a bit.. but still .. something tells me the foundation is being laid....

According to reports the guillotine is used to bleed them out and use body parts for medical purposes.  I guess they'll cram 3 or 4 to a plastic casket of what is left of the bodies, bury them or burn them.  Pretty gruesome crap, isn't it.  And it may be nothing but CRAP... but I'll keep searching since it has got my interest peaked..  

Fema Camp in Madison, GA - Coffins Investigated

Portable prisons in Utah.... maybe for protesters

The manufacturer of the Coffins:
Millions of Plastic coffins found all over America - paid for by your own tax-dollar. These are CREMATORIUM coffins - for the American people, held on FEMA leased land.

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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #47 on: February 27, 2010, 07:35:55 AM »
The first video seems to be misleading in 2 respects:

1. They persist in calling these "casket liners" when in fact the manufacturer calls them vaults.

2. They are presented for use improperly, again according to the manufacturer. The flat "lid" is actually the bottom, and the large tub-like structure is the top, as it it goes over the casket. Hence its reference as the vault.

All this does not address the question as to why .gov seems to feel the need to stockpile a field full of these. Nor does it mean they can't be used as described in the video.

I think there's a whole crap-load of stuff .gov is doing we know nothing about.
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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #48 on: February 27, 2010, 12:42:24 PM »
All this does not address the question as to why .gov seems to feel the need to stockpile a field full of these. Nor does it mean they can't be used as described in the video.

If you listen to the beginning of the clip, you hear that the owner of the property said that the "liners" (actually vaults used for covering caskets and keeping the ground over them from sinking when the casket decays), belonged to the CDC. That is the Center for Disease Control. They're the ones that were convinced not long ago that H1N1 was going to kill millions. When it didn't happen, I'm sure they needed a place to store all the ordered "liners" they thought they'd need. I'd be more angry about the waste of tax payers money for these, and the subsequent storage fees involved. But, then, when did our government ever care about spending too much money?


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Re: 1,000 Internment Camps... 30,000 Guillotines... Half-Million Caskets...
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2010, 12:47:05 PM »
If you listen to the beginning of the clip, you hear that the owner of the property said that the "liners" (actually vaults used for covering caskets and keeping the ground over them from sinking when the casket decays), belonged to the CDC. That is the Center for Disease Control. They're the ones that were convinced not long ago that H1N1 was going to kill millions. When it didn't happen, I'm sure they needed a place to store all the ordered "liners" they thought they'd need. I'd be more angry about the waste of tax payers money for these, and the subsequent storage fees involved. But, then, when did our government ever care about spending too much money?

This actually sounds pretty reasonable to me.
But I am a firm believer in not overestimating my Govt.
If it MIGHT be a "Conspiracy", or it MIGHT be an amateurish screw up, due to ignorance or self promotion, I will allows bet on the screw up.

The idea that those pinheads could not conspire "secretly" with out screwing up or blabbing to the press is, in fact, comforting.  ;D


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