“Castle Doctrine” Bill Passes Senate, Heads to House for Concurrence!
Please Contact Your State Representative!
Yesterday, Thursday, October 14, the Pennsylvania Senate passed House Bill 1926 by a vote of 45-4. The bill now returns to the House where it could be concurred with on Monday, October 18.
HB1926 contains State Senator Richard Alloway’s (R-33) “Castle Doctrine” amendment. This language would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be. If enacted, this law would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used. *
Nice! Senate attached HB 40 (Pure expanded 'Castle Doctrine) to HB 1926. 1926 adds more teeth to other aspects of law aimed at sex offenders. Makes it much more likely Rendel will pass it. Gives him a defense of "I had no choice, it was riding on something we all want", so he has an out.
Job well done!
*From my NRA mailing