Author Topic: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog  (Read 14128 times)


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2008, 07:35:35 AM »
I'm not sure I could follow Don's plan if I lived in SC, Fl, or a Super Tuesday state. Voting for Fred when you KNOW he's not going to be the nominee means you HAVE to live with the guy others choose.

I will never vote for Huckster or Romney. I used to feel that way about Guiliani but if it came down to him or Hildabeast/Obama I could push the button next to his name while puking all over the voting booth. McCain I could hold my nose while voting. At least I know exactly where we as gun owners stand with McCain.

But staying with Fred after all hope of his winning has passed seems to me to be setting up a potential win by Huckster or Romney or someone else you couldn't support.

Seems to me it is better to switch to the lesser evil when you vote.

It's all academic for me because the nominee will be settled well before my state's May primary. There hasn't been a brokered convention in my lifetime and I don't think we will see one this year. Depending on how Mi plays out this looks to be coming down to a two man race between McCain/Huckster. I would give the odds to Huckster slightly based on the fundamentalist vote in the south. So, if I lived in Mi or SC I would vote McCain to stop Huckster.

We live in a nation where each gets to vote his conscience even if the people at times choose someone we bitterly disagree with. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2008, 11:11:57 AM »
I am not a single issue voter( then again I would not vote for some one that said, 1st thing we do in office is get the guns)

Then again I can't vote in the primary as I'm Registerd as an independent... in the great land of CA you can only vote( in primarys) for people from your party.   which is a load of crap... but wouldn't you know it, the demo  and American indys will allow you to vote on thier ballet if you want.   ::)     Lets see, there is no one on the demo ticket I would vote for, I disagree with them on far to many issues.   I disagree with the entire AI platform ( that of no income tax, only sales tax on every thing...)   So that pretty much means this year I'm only voting on  some propostions... of which all of them I have already made up my mind...

Honestly, the current two party system we have reminds me alot of two famous gangs... both are crimals, the only diffrences is one wears blue, the other wears red. 
I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2008, 11:26:20 AM »
What do people in ARK. say about Huckabee sounds like alot of people here hate him but that doesn't mean they know what they are talking about, I know several people from Ma. they all hate Romney.
  Based on what he says for Himself Huckabee's positions are about the same as Freds.

1776 Rebel

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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2008, 12:59:50 PM »
Several times the name of Ronald Reagan has been used in these discussions as if RR is somehow the bar by which all conservatives must be measured. Let me remind you of some the great conservative accomplishments of RR. Hundreds of dead Marines in Lebanon, arming the Mullahs of Iran and Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Spending money like a dunk sailor to the tune of TRILLIONS. We are still paying off his debt today. NOT reducing the Federal gov’t but INCREASING its size, never abolished the Dept of Education which he promised, fired all the air traffic controllers on one day (crippling the airline industry for a time), was on his watch that the biggest stock market crash since ’29 occurred (crippling  the economy for 5 years), etc etc. Then his Alzeimhers kicked in and he was even more detached from day to day activity. That is when Nancy Reagan ran the government and brought in Jean Dixon (psychic) to advise her and Ronny. 

He had great speech writers. He had some good advisors, Deaver, Meese, and Baker. But get real. He had at best an OK kind of run. Good lord save us from another RR.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2008, 05:56:58 PM »
All this Presidential talk reminds me that we have to control the Congress regardless of the Presidential candidate who wins. If Hillary wants to take the guns, she might - might mind you - want to get laws passed. If laws are passed contrary to her wishes, it just makes it all that much harder for her to do the grab.

So folks, we need to focus on Congress as well as the Pres.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do this to others and I require the same from them"

J.B. Books


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #15 on: Today at 01:10:59 PM »


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2008, 09:25:04 AM »
L His one flaw is that he is from CA (but so am I).

That isn't a flaw unless he comes to the table with Commiefornia ideals like the Govanator. Hunter isn't that kind of guy. Lest we forget Reagan was from CA and was the beau ideal conservative.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2008, 09:41:13 AM »
Several times the name of Ronald Reagan has been used in these discussions as if RR is somehow the bar by which all conservatives must be measured. Let me remind you of some the great conservative accomplishments of RR. Hundreds of dead Marines in Lebanon, arming the Mullahs of Iran and Saddam Hussein of Iraq. Spending money like a dunk sailor to the tune of TRILLIONS. We are still paying off his debt today. NOT reducing the Federal gov’t but INCREASING its size, never abolished the Dept of Education which he promised, fired all the air traffic controllers on one day (crippling the airline industry for a time), was on his watch that the biggest stock market crash since ’29 occurred (crippling  the economy for 5 years), etc etc. Then his Alzeimhers kicked in and he was even more detached from day to day activity. That is when Nancy Reagan ran the government and brought in Jean Dixon (psychic) to advise her and Ronny. 

He had great speech writers. He had some good advisors, Deaver, Meese, and Baker. But get real. He had at best an OK kind of run. Good lord save us from another RR.

You have some facts wrong and of course out of context to the times. We armed Iraq and Afghanistan which is true. The issue is that in context it was to thwart the Russians who backed Iran and the puppet government in Afghanistan. They were needed parts of the cold war and the ramifications of Afghanistan was the failure of the Soviet system. Was it expensive, you bet your ass it was, but in the end the West won which was the important part. It took till Reagan to get to $1 Trillian of debt. Since Reagan we have added $8 Trillion more in debt. Right now, according to the Comptroller General of the USA, each household is in hock to the tune of $400,000. Every citizen is in hock for $170,000. The DoE is but a very small part. It is Social Security and Medicare that are killing us. All the old farts that are going to want their checks and their "free" medical. If we want to keep the system around we need, as of today, $53 Trillion to cover just these two programs.

We have socialized ourselves into a world of hurt. If we don't find a way to get ride of SS and Medicare and many other programs we are running to a time when the dollar is cheaper than the paper we wipe our butts with and a time when the 1930s look like a boom period. I don't even hear Fred talking about this, only Ron Paul is talking about the huge fiscal problems we have.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2008, 11:24:01 AM »
The reason  Social Security is broke is because back in the 60's and 70's the democrats in congress robbed it to pay for their social programs. The only people entitled to social security bennies are retiree's over 65, not every retarded kid and gluttons to fat to work, and people with "bad Backs" I say let em starve. Look at Steven Hawking , all he can move is his eye balls ,but he's supported his family, well. These drones could work they just don't want to.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2008, 12:27:55 PM »
Sadly it is not just the Dems, Republicans are almost just as bad. How about prescription drugs a'la Bush? No child left behind a'la Bush and Kennedy. The bridge to nowhere? Republican senators from AK. The Dems are bad, don't get me wrong, but the Republicans don't have a leg to stand on. I have read much talk about the lessor of two evils, and frankly I have to say that those people are really the problem. By allowing the GOP to put up someone who is just the "lessor of two evils" we in effect have told them that someone just barely better than a filthy stinking rat Dem is fine since we will just take the "lessor of two evils". That leaves us with a field of people who suck. McCain sucks, Romney sucks, and Guiliani sucks. Fred and Duncan and Ron are our best options. Of those I think Ron or Fred are our best choices. I have liked everything that Duncan Hunter has said, but he has been in Government a long time and therefore is a part of the problem and if we all took the time to see what he voted for I bet we could find many foibles.

Ron Paul I agree with about 95% of the time, but I am sure we could find foibles of his own in his voting record. Finally we have Fred. He seems to be a solid choice, but was extremely stupid in his choices about when to join the race and how. Had he announced around July 4th like was thought he would have had the momentum to crush all around, but he waited to long, this really hurt him. So things don't look good for Fred. I think he could be the best option for the country, but that said I think I have about as much of a chance of getting the nomination for the GOP as Fred does sadly. Frankly I am seriously thinking about sitting this one out. The GOP doesn't represent me, the Dems don't represent me, and neither do any of the fringe 3rd parties. I am so disgusted with the American political system that is sending us down the road towards falter and a populace that is begging for it or sticking its thumbs in its ears and yelling "la la la la" so it doesn't have to deal with the problems of the day.


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Re: MB's "Damn Good Question" blog
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2008, 02:02:28 PM »
Sadly it is not just the Dems, Republicans are almost just as bad. How about prescription drugs a'la Bush? No child left behind a'la Bush and Kennedy. The bridge to nowhere? Republican senators from AK. The Dems are bad, don't get me wrong, but the Republicans don't have a leg to stand on. I have read much talk about the lessor of two evils, and frankly I have to say that those people are really the problem. By allowing the GOP to put up someone who is just the "lessor of two evils" we in effect have told them that someone just barely better than a filthy stinking rat Dem is fine since we will just take the "lessor of two evils". That leaves us with a field of people who suck. McCain sucks, Romney sucks, and Guiliani sucks. Fred and Duncan and Ron are our best options. Of those I think Ron or Fred are our best choices. I have liked everything that Duncan Hunter has said, but he has been in Government a long time and therefore is a part of the problem and if we all took the time to see what he voted for I bet we could find many foibles.

Ron Paul I agree with about 95% of the time, but I am sure we could find foibles of his own in his voting record. Finally we have Fred. He seems to be a solid choice, but was extremely stupid in his choices about when to join the race and how. Had he announced around July 4th like was thought he would have had the momentum to crush all around, but he waited to long, this really hurt him. So things don't look good for Fred. I think he could be the best option for the country, but that said I think I have about as much of a chance of getting the nomination for the GOP as Fred does sadly. Frankly I am seriously thinking about sitting this one out. The GOP doesn't represent me, the Dems don't represent me, and neither do any of the fringe 3rd parties. I am so disgusted with the American political system that is sending us down the road towards falter and a populace that is begging for it or sticking its thumbs in its ears and yelling "la la la la" so it doesn't have to deal with the problems of the day.
You must be French!! I see your waving the white flag, and the Germans haven't reached the border yet!!!!


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