Author Topic: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?  (Read 11054 times)


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2010, 09:39:25 AM »
Also consider that the Tea Party realizes that a third party will not change things. I believe they are doing the smart thing by taking over the republican party. Just as the current bunch of socialists took over the Democrat party. The difference is that the Tea Party is open about their intentions.

Very good point. They, (Republicans), hopefully learned their lesson with Ross Perot. A "True Patriot" who split the Republican vote, and in the process gave us Bill Clinton twice with less than 50% of the vote. As the saying goes, "A house divided against itself cannot stand". The democrats learned this long ago. The Republicans damn well better start, or they'll be very little left of this country as we now know it.    Bill T.


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2010, 09:54:48 AM »
Why are you so bitter toward the only party you've got to stop Hussein? So what if he changed his "dance". If his "song & dance" fits the bill, who the hell cares what his reasons are for doing it??

Because after November he will return to the same old John McCain and he will be standing right there next to Obama trying to push amnesty. Make no mistake, McCain is one of the bums that needs to go.

I dont live in AZ but if I did, I would not vote for McCain in a primary. I would vote for him in the general election (I voted for him for President). But I want to see him lose the primary, so that a conservative (I almost typed republican) can take his office.
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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2010, 11:20:04 AM »
Why are you so bitter toward the only party you've got to stop Hussein? So what if he changed his "dance". If his "song & dance" fits the bill, who the hell cares what his reasons are for doing it?? Look, the first and foremost job of ANY politician is to get reelected, by whatever means necessary. The Republicans desperately need a solid majority to stop Hussein from train wrecking the country like he has proven he will do. Don't be like the idiot's who gave us Hussein to begin with, because they wanted to "spite the Republicans". That's foolish. Take what you can get, when you can get it. Bitch about the rest later. Would you rather see democrats hold their seats and even gain just to "get rid of RINOS". That is precisely the kind of foolish thinking in the voting booth that gave us Hussein in the first place.

Remember, stupid white voters gave us Hussein, not blacks, voter apathy, or the far left. These idiot's hated George Bush so much they would have voted for Hitler to spite the Republicans, who didn't, "play the tune they liked". Now, as a direct result we're sitting on a multi trillion dollar health care entitlement that we cannot afford, along with possible infringements on our freedoms too numerous to list. Are you telling me all of this would have occurred if McCain would have won? No way. This type of political mentality is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Same with not voting for McCain because Palin has "no experience". So now you've got Hussein who has less. Is this better? If you reject RINOS, who by the way I don't like anymore than you, just remember you will get a far worse democrat in the process. That is fact. Would you trade off a sore throat for brain cancer if that were your only choice?   Bill T.

McCain did not lose the election, the sleazy POS threw the election, most of the time he sounded like he was campaigning FOR Obummer, hell, his people crapped on Palin as much as the Dems did.
Bill, What difference is there in having an unknown Dem or a known Rino in an office. At least with the Dem there may be enough self interest to keep the voters happy while with the RINO you've got a cog in the party6 machine who doesn't give a rats azz what the voters want.


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2010, 01:07:22 PM »
Bill, What difference is there in having an unknown Dem or a known Rino in an office. At least with the Dem there may be enough self interest to keep the voters happy while with the RINO you've got a cog in the party6 machine who doesn't give a rats azz what the voters want.

These people aren't stupid. It's the reason McCain is now changing his tune. A year ago he didn't give a damn about securing the border. Now he, as well as other Republicans, see Jan Brewer's popularity has gone off the chart with conservative Republicans, since she has made border security her battle cry. She'll win the governorship easily in November. Just 2 months ago she was trailing in the cellar. She was so down, Joe Arpaio was even going to run. As soon as Brewer left the launching pad, he pulled out. These so called "RINOS" will do what the their voters want, or they'll be gone. It's just that simple. The old timer "Republican Machine" with guys like McCain is gone. Look at what happened to Specter. An old dog who went home to die. No one has a use for him. Guys like McCain see this and damn well better come around to it if they want to remain in politics.

An unknown democrat is a dangerous democrat. Why take a chance? With McCain, who now wants a secure border, you know what you are getting. They've all learned from Hussein. He campaigned on "Change". No one knew what kind, and were too stupid to ask. He was an "unknown democrat". Stupid whites bought into his hopey, changy bull$h!t, and now look where we're at. I don't like to "take a chance" on unknown candidates simply because of what happened with Hussein. I'd rather take a chance on a guy who has hopefully seen the light, and the way the country is going, and has adapted to it. His vote goes into the right column, just the same as if he had been screaming it from day one. Remember this is a numbers game, not a personality game.  Bill T.


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2010, 01:12:48 PM »
I dont live in AZ but if I did, I would not vote for McCain in a primary. I would vote for him in the general election (I voted for him for President). But I want to see him lose the primary, so that a conservative (I almost typed republican) can take his office.

If you don't vote for McCain you'll be punching J.D. Hayworth's card, and believe me he's far worse. An ex local TV weather forecaster and talk show host. He spends worse than Hussein. No matter what, STAY AWAY FROM DEMOCRATS! After what Hussein has done, and is continuing to do, I shouldn't even have to be saying that!  Bill T.


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #35 on: Today at 01:35:12 AM »


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2010, 03:07:40 AM »
You do remember McCain Kennedy don't you ?


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2010, 08:30:47 AM »
I'm not defending McCain in the least. He never was my favorite guy, but with that said all of the alternatives are far worse. This silly thinking about taking a chance on an unknown democrat scares me a hell of a lot more than McCain could on his worse day. People in this country "took a chance" on Hussein, and now most regret it. At least McCain is now trying to get some border security passed when he stood opposed just a year ago. Yeah, he flip flopped. Yeah, he wants to get reelected. All that aside he is smart enough to realize in this political climate the old John McCain has a snowball in hells chance of surviving.

J.D. Hayworth is a clown and an opportunist far worse than McCain, and I don't even want to discuss whoever his democratic opponent will be because whoever he or she is, they'll do everything possible to get this immigration law changed, or repealed. McCain is trying to adapt. He knows he must or he'll be gone. You are going to see many other Republicans doing much the same. This is a good thing. Hussein sure as hell isn't "adapting" to anything or anyone. He's doing exactly as he promised. He's delivering "change".   Bill T.


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2010, 08:32:08 AM »
McCain is up by 12 points..... he will be fine.
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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2010, 10:49:59 AM »
McCain is up by 12 points..... he will be fine.

It's hard to unseat an incumbent simply because of the advantage they have in money and campaign help in getting reelected. I'm not thrilled about McCain. With his current point of view, I just feel a tad safer with him over Hayworth. We had Hayworth before so it's not like he doesn't have an unestablished track record. And it's one you can bet McCain will attack. He voted for too much spending. That's a death sentence in politics today.  Bill T.


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Re: Hey Quaker - What do you have against the Tea Party?
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2010, 10:57:34 AM »
It's hard to unseat an incumbent simply because of the advantage they have in money and campaign help in getting reelected. I'm not thrilled about McCain. With his current point of view, I just feel a tad safer with him over Hayworth. We had Hayworth before so it's not like he doesn't have an unestablished track record. And it's one you can bet McCain will attack. He voted for too much spending. That's a death sentence in politics today.  Bill T.

I think it is also the fact that the people of AZ really like the guy.

*Step back from the emotion and re-read your posts in this thread again as if someone else wrote them about some other politician in some other state.... can you see how that approach on a macro level has given incumbents a 90% re-election rate and how it has gotten us into the place where "vote the bums out" has become such a household phrase? I totally get what you are saying and I am not trying to say you are wrong (I would not vote for a Dem to oust McCain), but my feeling is that the best thing we could do for our country is to get ALL the career politicians out of office.
Everything I needed to learn in life I learned from Country Music.


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