Author Topic: DPMS Oracle .308 M-4 ?  (Read 29327 times)


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Re: DPMS Oracle .308 M-4 ?
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2010, 08:51:31 AM »
One thing to look out for with DPMS guys. My local shop stopped carrying them about a year ago. Reason is DPMS has started using imported parts in their internals. Since then they have been having problems with both the trigger group, and the bolt assemblies. I haven't been able to confirm how bad the problems are. This is what I was told by my local dealer here. However, they haven't steered me wrong in 5 years, so I do trust them. Take it as you will. I'm not saying I wouldn't buy a DPMS, but I would check them out really good before committing major cash for one.
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