Author Topic: An Article For FQ To Ponder.....  (Read 2359 times)


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Re: An Article For FQ To Ponder.....
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2010, 03:58:44 PM »
I have several comments on this so highlighting particular lines would be confusing, I will comment within FQ's text

I don't think that there IS a  Tea Party (singular). I think some on the right are trying to hijack it into being some grassroots auxillary of the GOP. (I absolutely agree with this, during the midterms it seemed that every GOP hack in the State suddenly found a Gadsden Flag, most of them had no clue as to it's significance, but they waved them like crazy ) I think the actual movement is a lot more complex and diverse than that. It runs the gamut from Libertarians like me to Christian conservatives like Path and Rastus. (again I agree completely) While there principles they agree on, like the ones you mentioned, its mostly about what they (we) are against. Chief among those things is an out of touch arrogant group of political elites. The fact that both parties chose insiders to lead them after this last election indicates how out of touch they are. The Tea Party isn't a rubber stamp for the GOP. I think a lot of them would be happy with a populist Blue Dog or an Independent. What they want is less government, less spending and a whole lot less arrogance from our leaders. Pro-choice, pro-life, gay rights, the environment, Afghanistan; all of these are great ways to start a debate at a Tea Party rally.( the previous are all subjects for personal debate that have no place in the political scene as they are subjects of person belief and no business of Government. I do not care what you believe, I defy you to find anything in the Constitution that gives the Govt, or even the immediate community any say over what I or my female acquaintances do with or to our minds or bodies ) What they agree on is the need for less government and less talking and more listening on the part of DC. Thats just my take on it anyway.

In his post JC mentions the terms "left", "Right", and "center", what everybody overlooks is that these terms also have no place in National politics. They refer to types of government  ranging from the Anarchist far left through the totalitarian far right. We already have a type of Government that sits more or less in the middle with the Constitutional Republic, it IS NOT a democracy which is nothing more than mob rule with lawyers, as opposed to Anarchy which is mob rule with out lawyers. Under a Constitutional Republic there are rules established to govern the behavior of both the Government and the Citizens. Every single one of the "rights" that limit Government intrusion into our lives carries with it an inherent but unstated responsibility.
Since we all understand the 2A I will use that as an example, "The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed, the flip side of that is if you go around shooting up people or property you will be punished.
The common herd are to shallow, self centered, or stupid to understand that concept with out having it hammered into their heads and politicians are happy to use that ignorance to increase their own individual power. There are actually only 2 valid politicaL positions on the national level, you either support the Constitution as written and intended as laid out in the Federalist papers, or you are a subversive with the goal of overturning that document and corrupting our original form of Government.


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Re: An Article For FQ To Ponder.....
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2010, 05:13:18 PM »
There are actually only two valid political positions on the national level; you either support the Constitution as written and intended as laid out in the Federalist papers, or you are a subversive with the goal of overturning that document and corrupting our original form of Government.

Well put Tom....


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