Author Topic: New ATF purchase rules  (Read 3871 times)


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2010, 08:13:37 AM »
@ Tombogan:

I totally agree that it's B.S..  I've yet to find asnyplace that stocks a late model, full auto, AR rifle anywhere.  The other thing I noticed is that they gave an over all number of guns taken that came from stores, but not a percentage from all guns taken.

It just pisses me off that Fox fell for it.


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2010, 08:23:26 AM »
@ Tombogan:

I totally agree that it's B.S..  I've yet to find asnyplace that stocks a late model, full auto, AR rifle anywhere.  The other thing I noticed is that they gave an over all number of guns taken that came from stores, but not a percentage from all guns taken.

It just pisses me off that Fox fell for it.
Reporters are lazy beasts, and the economics of news coverage; eg little money for enterprise reporting and short segments, dictates this sort of thing. Its not so much that there is bias, its that there is little time or money out there for a reporter to do in-depth research. Therefore, there is a tendency to simply accept what comes out of a press conference as "news" and then bring in a couple of talking heads to yell at each other about it. Its a lot cheaper than sending a reporter to Juarez to acually talk to the local LEOs and spend a week or so trackig down where the BGs (who probably have facebook pages and would love to brag to a camera) are actually getting their guns. However, we do know that David Hasselhoff's reality show is being canceled and Mylie Cyrus smoked fake pot. :P


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2010, 10:57:00 AM »
@ Tombogan:

I totally agree that it's B.S..  I've yet to find asnyplace that stocks a late model, full auto, AR rifle anywhere.  The other thing I noticed is that they gave an over all number of guns taken that came from stores, but not a percentage from all guns taken.

It just pisses me off that Fox fell for it.

+10  If any media outlet should know better it's them, they were one of the sources that trashed the original "River of guns" BS.
I don't know any thing about Greta Van Sustern or her politics so I will not say any more about that, but she is a lawyer.   ::)


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2010, 11:19:38 AM »
+10  If any media outlet should know better it's them, they were one of the sources that trashed the original "River of guns" BS.
I don't know any thing about Greta Van Sustern or her politics so I will not say any more about that, but she is a lawyer.   ::)
A lawyer with a face lift. At CNN, she showed a few wrinkles, and was, in my opinion, pretty sexy in a quirky sort of way. She moves to FOX and all of a sudden it looks like her ears are trying to mate behind her head and all the laugh lines that made her interesting are gone, she's just another generic corporate mouthpiece. Not that I'm making any sort of political point here........ ;) 8)


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2010, 11:32:18 AM »
I've yet to find asnyplace that stocks a late model, full auto, AR rifle anywhere.

Actually, in AZ if you buy 4000+ rounds of 5.56, you get a full auto M4 - FREE! (no pre-1986 requirement!)
4K+ of 5.45x39 gets you a full auto AK74 - FREE!
4K+ of 7.62x39 gets you a full auto AK47 but so many people have them it's cheaper to wait in Wally World's parking lot for someone to leave theirs in a shopping cart. Shouldn't take longer than 15 min, tops.

Note to CNN, FOX, MSNBC, WSJ, Shumer and Feinstein: This is a joke. You really don't get full auto weapons when buying ammo in AZ. It's New Mexico! AZ gives away grenades.
You can say lots of bad things about pedophiles; but at least they drive slowly past schools.


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #15 on: Today at 09:03:26 AM »


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #15 on: December 19, 2010, 01:09:17 PM »
A lawyer with a face lift. At CNN, she showed a few wrinkles, and was, in my opinion, pretty sexy in a quirky sort of way. She moves to FOX and all of a sudden it looks like her ears are trying to mate behind her head and all the laugh lines that made her interesting are gone, she's just another generic corporate mouthpiece. Not that I'm making any sort of political point here........ ;) 8)

I was there for Greta's debut, on the CNN set of TalkBack Live when the executive producer introduced her as the new "expert commentator" for the OJ trial.    I liked her when she was a lawyer being a news commentator.

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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #16 on: December 19, 2010, 01:38:56 PM »
Ulmus, that is the same Bullshit that was disproved years ago  ::)

When was the last time you saw an RPG for sale at your local gun store. The American sourced guns in Mexico were mostly supplied Gov to Gov then issued to troops who deserted to the cartels or stolen from arms rooms.
Another thing they are not telling you is that the Mex Gov only submits selected weapons for tracing.

And, for the most part, the US is the only govt. that keeps any sort of record of serial numbers.  Most of the full auto AKs come from Venezuela (I'm told) and they don't keep records worth a darn.   So, in short, only US weapons could be traced.  That would make 100% of traced weapons come from the US.  But, certainly not 100% of confiscated weapons, a hugely larger number.
“I’ve lived the literal meaning of the ‘land of the free’ and ‘home of the brave.’ It’s not corny for me. I feel it in my heart. I feel it in my chest. Even at a ball game, when someone talks during the anthem or doesn’t take off his hat, it pisses me off. I’m not one to be quiet about it, either.”  Chris Kyle


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2010, 02:11:31 PM »
Lies, damn lies and statistics! Let me clue you folks in on the dirty secet of my own discipline. We have focused on the "science" part of political science to the point where we ignore the politics. If it can't be shown with an equation, it doesn't get published. As much as I hate math (and I'll freely admit that I largely hate it because I suck at it, I mean simultaneous equations and matrix algebra are beyond me), I would would be willing to deal with it if it yielded useful results. Here's the elephant in the room, it doesn't. When you become so method driven that the only acceptable answer is 47, you stop asking questions that aren't ammenable to your methods, because by choosing a new method to deal with it, you won't get published. The journals want a debate between 47 and 47.5. Anyone who says "Screw the Math, lets look at interviews" is SOL. Sounds petty right? Wrong. Look at Congressional Sudies. I kid you not when I say that better than 85% of articles on voting behavior in Congress focuse on the House. Take a grad level seminar and I'll bet you a week's pay that you get maybe 5 out of 100 assigned books and articles that deal with the Senate. Why? Does the Senate not matter? Did it cease to exist? No. Its just that with only 100 members, it presents too small of an N to get statistically meaningful results, so quantatative analysis doesn't work. Therefore Seanatorial studies aren't "scientific" and therefore don't get published. You might as well hang a sign over the Dirkson Senate Office Building that says "Here Be Dragons" and call it a day.
Its the same with the guns in Mexico. People like numbers. Numbers are neat, tidy and "true". What can't be quantified is ignored. Therefore, since you can count US guns coming inrto Mexico (and there are, in honesty a lot of them, mostly hand guns) these give you a "true" story. The tens of thousands of guns the US and USSR dumped into Central America on the other hand don't officially exist. Therefore, they can't be verified and all mention of them vanishes, as its just "hearsay". It doesn't meet the quantifiable standard. If it can't fit into an equation, it it didn't happen. ::) >:(
FQ13 who might be a bit bitter about this, but for good reason. When the discipline that studies politics ,and the media that reports on it, are too blinded by science to look out the damn window from time to time ,the Republic suffers.


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2010, 02:25:54 PM »
US politics are driven by 2 things.
Poll numbers and Madison Avenue sound bytes.
The politicians don't care which "way the wind blows" only what the pollsters claim will get them re elected.
And the way they manipulate the public perception  of an issue is by cherry picking a 15 second clip from a 4 hour debate.


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Re: New ATF purchase rules
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2010, 09:00:53 PM »
Actually, in AZ if you buy 4000+ rounds of 5.56, you get a full auto M4 - FREE! (no pre-1986 requirement!)
4K+ of 5.45x39 gets you a full auto AK74 - FREE!
4K+ of 7.62x39 gets you a full auto AK47 but so many people have them it's cheaper to wait in Wally World's parking lot for someone to leave theirs in a shopping cart. Shouldn't take longer than 15 min, tops.

Note to CNN, FOX, MSNBC, WSJ, Shumer and Feinstein: This is a joke. You really don't get full auto weapons when buying ammo in AZ. It's New Mexico! AZ gives away grenades.

This made my evening.  Two enthusiastic thumbs up.
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