Or should police receive in service training where they are shown some of those wild weapons? That would be my answer. Banning colors absolutely guarantees that the officer will be trained to hesitate. A guaranteed first shot for the bad guy. Pioneer, when you were still on the job, if an adult, during a confrontation, pointed a red gun at you, would you assume it was a toy? If so then, I'll bet you wouldn't now, because you know! Continuing education seems to me to be the best answer.
Thugs will always have guns, and they already know how to use Krylon paint, at least here in NC. Evidence vaults here all hold a few painted guns, but not pretty colors. I have seen field jacket green and blue jean blue and T-shirt white Hi Points and Ravens. All painted to aid in plain sight concealment. Also seen T-shirts with exact replica prints of handguns in the waistband, to hopefully desensitize cops into not believing their own eyes and instincts. Can't ban T-shirts. Ain't easy being a safe Law Dog these days.
Edited to add: I own three OD green or woodland camo guns. Who decides what colors are banned?
Regards, Mac.