But, yes we did, Moto. My Dad reared me hunting and fishing, back in the days when you could hunt rabbits, quail, pheasants, squirrels, dove and deer IN MARYLAND! I reared my son hunting and fishing, but alas quail and pheasants are but a memory here. My first reason for buying a gun was hunting. I even bought my Super Blackhawk .44mag for hunting as it was the only handgun at the time that was legal for deer here. I've since purchased a defense handgun, but no defense rifles or shotguns. I notice my son, however, is reflective of the changing times. He is more into range shooting both his hunting and self-defense firearms. He and his circle of friends are changing the nature of shooting sports. Accuracy and mating weapon to game was my day. Accuracy and firepower is becoming the charge for my son's day. So be patient, Moto, the programming will change probably as my son's wallet outpaces mine. Until it does, however, spend your money on cartidges, not programming!
And, comes the revolution, all your paper shooting may come in handy if you can stomach cleaning and butchering what you kill. Both are good practice for what seems to be on the horizon.