Author Topic: My Dem Senator is a No Vote  (Read 1255 times)


  • Monty Lucht
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My Dem Senator is a No Vote
« on: April 15, 2013, 03:10:58 PM »
Just received this from Dem. Senator Baucus, Up until now I was not sure how he was going to vote. One thing I do know is I will never be positive until its all over.

Dear Monty:

Thank you for contacting me about our Second Amendment rights.  I appreciate you taking the time to contact me about this important issue.

Recent tragedies have shaken all of us, and everyone wants to do their part to protect our children and communities from violence of all kinds.

I have heard from thousands of Montanans, and it is very important to me that every Montanan has a chance to weigh in on an open and transparent debate.  But, I do not support the bill that is currently being debated in the Senate, S.649.  This bill does not do enough to protect the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners to keep and bear arms.

As Montanans, we are passionate about our Second Amendment rights, and we respect the responsibility that comes with it.  What makes sense in other states doesn't make sense in Montana.

I do not believe top-down, one-size-fits-all directives from Washington are the right approach.  Also, before we pass new laws, we need to do a better job enforcing the laws already on the books.  Under the Obama Administration, federal weapons prosecutions have fallen to the lowest levels in over a decade.

I also strongly oppose the assault weapons ban.  I voted against the assault weapons ban in 2004, and I worked to get it removed from the debate altogether this year.

I will not vote for anything that puts Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Montanans in question.  As the debate moves forward, I will continue listening carefully to Montanans.  Your input is very important.

Thanks again for getting in touch.  I also encourage you to visit my website at for current information on what I'm doing both here in Washington and at home to help Montana.  Please contact me with any additional comments or concerns.



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