I haven't had a chance to see John since he got home. He did stop into the office after most of the office people had left and left the doctor's reports on the desk of the human resources person. She came over and talked about it with me the next morning.
The doctor in St. Paul stated that he cannot return to work until the 28th. This means another week out, and then depends on what his followup with his local doctor reveals.
At this time it appears that the whole episode is due to dehydration. He does not take good care of himself, and did complain about the heat the week before. When I visited him in the hospital, he thanked me for making him stop and go to the doctor, and his wife told me that he felt so bad he almost called in sick and didn't take the route. His typical routine is to rely on Pepsi, Monster, and 5 Hour Energy. When I used his truck, and gather his items together to leave some at the hospital and put the rest in storage at the company, I didn't find any water in the truck, three bags of high sugar "kiddie" cereal, chips, Ramon Noodle cups, six packs of cigarettes, and three vape pipes.
I don't know what will come of John's final doctor visit, and if he will change his lifestyle. But, before he was even out of the hospital, two of our drivers made appointments for physicals, and one who recently had one called his doctor and scheduled a colonoscopy.
Thank to all of you for being here!