Author Topic: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding  (Read 8083 times)


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AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« on: December 31, 2014, 09:17:02 AM »
Hi All! It's been a while.

As the title says, I'm having trouble deciding what kind of optic to put on my 300 BLK pistol. Right now, it's between a Primary Arms micro dot, with or without the magnifier, a Vortex arms red dot of some type, a Vortex PST 2.5-10 illuminated scope or a 1-4 illuminated scope. If I could find an inexpensive 1-6,  I would consider that instead. The pistol is going to be used primarily for deer hunting or if SHTF, a "serious social purpose" rifle (with proper SBR permit, of course.)

My coworker and I have an ongoing dispute over scopes. He said on anything that could be used "tactically" (hunting is tactical, right?), you need a 1 or 1.1 to something. He also says you shouldn't need to go to anything higher than 6, but 8 would be great, like the uber-expensive Leupold. He also runs a Schmidt and Bender, I think a 1.1 - 4, which is equal or greater than the cost of his rifle.

I, on the other hand, frequently go up to 10x on my current rifle when deer hunting. We occasionally face 200-300 yard shots, but even at 150, I don't mind the increased magnification.

But 50 yard shots are much more common and a red dot is so fast. The deer I got this year was at about 20-25 yards. I would have to agree with my coworker that it did take some work to find it at the 3.5 setting. With a Red Dot and a Primary Arms 6x magnifier, I think that could get me to 150 yards comfortably. In reality, I'm only using a scope at its lowest or highest magnification, not in between.

So you see my dilemma. I'm sure I'm not the first one to face this choice, so I'd love to hear how anyone else came to reach their decision. Thanks in advance for your help.



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Re: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2014, 02:37:55 PM »
Complex question Marzie, I'll tell you what I did:

I "Google Images" 'd "AR pistol with optic/sight" and found something I liked the look of then did some further research into it (I ended up with a Lucid HD7)

I put an already owned Pride Fowler 1-4 on it while waiting for the Lucid and it worked fine, but the Lucid is much lighter, more trim and adequate for the ranges at which I'll be shooting. (YMMV)

I have another waiting for an optic and I think I'm going to transfer a Vortex Spark from a 16" gun to it and replace that with a Primary Arms 3x red dot.

Best Wishes, Mike.


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Re: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2015, 12:24:30 AM »
I'm having trouble deciding what kind of optic to put on my 300 BLK pistol

From a quicky search re: Vortex 2.5-10 - Eye Relief:  4 inches
This is NOT a pistol scope.
Seems like you would be better served with an EOTech if you don't SBR it. Maybe even if you do SBR it.
You have to make a choice.

I, on the other hand, frequently go up to 10x on my current rifle when deer hunting.

I ALWAYS keep my scopes at the lowest setting and dial them up if time/situation permits.
The way I see it, when I have the opportunity to increase the magnification, I do it.
I like to pick out the exact *spot* I want the bullet to hit. (usually the brainstem)   
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Re: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2015, 10:26:36 AM »
I know this is an old post. I've been absent for quite a while so just caught up with this.

I have the same exact situation/question. I have an 8" 300blk pistol for now. I've already sent my form 1 for a SBR and waiting on that to get processed. So long term a SBR 8" and down the road a suppressor. I will mostly use it for plinking short range to 200-300 yrds. I may hunt some with it, but probably hogs.

I have a Primary Arms 1x6 scope on my normal AR but know if I want something that big on this one. I know they make a reticle for 300blk in the same basic scope. Thinking about that or a red dot of some kind. I believe that if I go with a red dot, I would do a 3x mag at most.

So, what did you do and are you happy?


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Re: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2015, 01:10:59 PM »
Check out the See All" that Alf mentions in this thread.


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Re: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« Reply #5 on: Today at 09:03:23 PM »

Michael Strahan

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Re: AR-15 Optics Question - Trouble Deciding
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2022, 04:41:08 AM »
Complex question Marzie, I'll tell you what I did:

I "Google Images" 'd "AR pistol with optic/sight" and found something I liked the look of then did some further research into it (I ended up with a Lucid HD7)

I put an already owned Pride Fowler 1-4 on it while waiting for the Lucid and it worked fine, but the Lucid is much lighter, more trim and adequate for the ranges at which I'll be shooting. (YMMV)

I have another waiting for an optic and I think I'm going to transfer a Vortex Spark from a 16" gun to it and replace that with a Primary Arms 3x red dot.

Hunting in the wild and forests may find it difficult to see in the dark, especially in a forested and unpredictable environment. That's why you might need the best night-vision scope for your firearms


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