I saw a story a few days ago saying the FTC is investigating Amazon, Walmart and a few others over the "supply shortage" based price hiking.
Won't go anywhere...just like all the other investigations.
Something that these "investigators" are going to need to communicate well to the public is there is a cost to this mess. A few weeks ago 60 Minutes did a very good job of explaining some of what is happening. One item brought up by an importer was his product that had made it to the LA ports, but he couldn't get them out. The container is on the bottom of stacks and blocked in. He is paying daily storage for the container that he can't retrieve. This costs $$$$, and somebody is going to pay.
Another item is fuel. Amazon is 100% delivery. With a 45% fuel increase, at minimum, since last winter, how do you think that affects them. TAB just stated how it hit him with the forms he gets out of Canada.
I'm not saying that there isn't some profit taking. There had better be! This past 21 months has been hard for businesses dealing with limited supplies and increased expenses. Now it is time for authorities to give the people a lesson in economics, and that profit is not a dirty word.