Author Topic: gun safe, can't open  (Read 16406 times)


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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2009, 08:43:50 AM »
No joke!  He's not going to tell everyone how to put him out of business!

They're all over online.  Thats where I got mine.  You can spend $7 bucks, or $70 depending how many peices you want.  You honestly wont need more than a 7 tool kit for most locks.  Unless your doing it as a profession...  The huge expensive kits are a total waste.  I bought a 20 tool kit, and after learning how to use them all I only ever use the same three picks each time.  Usually just two unless its a lock with a double sided key.  Those ARE harder to do for sure, but not to much.  The ones I havet figured out yet (for lack of trying honestly) are the round keys used on vending machines and my tool chest.

If you've got a little money to spend get a "gun pick" those are almost as good as having the key!  They do tend to beat the locks up a little inside though, and you may have trouble with that lock after using the gun pick on it.

By far the best kit in my opinion, and from my experience (comftorble handles DO make a difference!)  Wish I had just bought that one!

If nothing else, its just fun to learn to use!  Dont bother trying to pick a car door lock, their to hard to turn for this reason.  Buy a "repo kit" for about 8 bucks for that (comes with a couple different slim jim's, and some other cool stuff).  Get one at a truck stop.


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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2009, 06:41:03 PM »
Not sure, but I think lock picks and slim jim possession may be illegal in some locations.
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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2009, 09:28:36 PM »
Yes they can considered as Burglars tools, if you don't have a valid locksmith job, or a good excuse like me for automotive, but check your local laws.

Lock manipulation is a very fun and useful skill, I started at 12 and it got me into trouble, nothing that sticks though, I highly recommend learning it, it will come in useful at some point, and yes I can pick tubular locks, like on a vending machine, unless you buy the expensive, collet pick, it will take time, as most of them are double locks, which means, you pick it and it makes 180 degrees, and relocks, and you start over, took me 45 minutes to pick my 1st, but satisfying in the end. A good skill to learn ;D
You never know when it will come in handy. The real locksmith picks are much better, than the cheap stuff, but we have a local guy making kits that are like a swiss army knife, cheap, and very small that work.
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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2009, 12:07:49 PM »
Yes they can considered as Burglars tools, if you don't have a valid locksmith job, or a good excuse like me for automotive, but check your local laws.

Lock manipulation is a very fun and useful skill, I started at 12 and it got me into trouble, nothing that sticks though, I highly recommend learning it, it will come in useful at some point, and yes I can pick tubular locks, like on a vending machine, unless you buy the expensive, collet pick, it will take time, as most of them are double locks, which means, you pick it and it makes 180 degrees, and relocks, and you start over, took me 45 minutes to pick my 1st, but satisfying in the end. A good skill to learn ;D
You never know when it will come in handy. The real locksmith picks are much better, than the cheap stuff, but we have a local guy making kits that are like a swiss army knife, cheap, and very small that work.

Back in college a female friend of mine had lost or misplaced her dorm keys.  The college policy was pretty harsh about key loss and she asked me for help as she didn't want to deal with the college as she figured the keys would show up.  I by accidental circumstances just happened to have a master key that opened all dorm rooms and most other campus doors.  I got her into her room and she then asked if I got get her locked desk open, she was almost frantic about it.   I had never picked a lock, but told her I could.  It was a simple lock and I think it had two tumblers.  After a few minutes of fumbling around with a couple of bobby pins I got the lock and desk drawer open.  She took out the dispenser with those little daily pills in it and popped one, then turned towards me and smiled.  Like they say, the rest was history.  ;D

I also had a homemade slimjimfrom a piece of banding material that I used often to help people get in there locked out cars.  One day there were a couple of cops fumbling around with a coat hanger trying to help a young gal get in her car.  I watched them for a few minutes then pulled out my slimjim from under the truck seat and pooped the lock in about 5 seconds.  You should have seen the look on the cops' faces.
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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2009, 09:30:32 PM »
Back in college a female friend of mine had lost or misplaced her dorm keys.  The college policy was pretty harsh about key loss and she asked me for help as she didn't want to deal with the college as she figured the keys would show up.  I by accidental circumstances just happened to have a master key that opened all dorm rooms and most other campus doors.  I got her into her room and she then asked if I got get her locked desk open, she was almost frantic about it.   I had never picked a lock, but told her I could.  It was a simple lock and I think it had two tumblers.  After a few minutes of fumbling around with a couple of bobby pins I got the lock and desk drawer open.  She took out the dispenser with those little daily pills in it and popped one, then turned towards me and smiled.  Like they say, the rest was history.  ;D

I also had a homemade slimjimfrom a piece of banding material that I used often to help people get in there locked out cars.  One day there were a couple of cops fumbling around with a coat hanger trying to help a young gal get in her car.  I watched them for a few minutes then pulled out my slimjim from under the truck seat and pooped the lock in about 5 seconds.  You should have seen the look on the cops' faces.

Two fine examples of conceiled carry. ;D  Never leave home without them as never know when something might come up and you might need to pull it out for use..... ;D ;D


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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #25 on: Today at 05:14:20 AM »


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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2009, 10:05:22 PM »
back a bunch of years ago I worked as a diesel fleet mechanic, had a young kid that was a real smartass know it all. I was messing around one day with a large "Master" pad lock that didn't have a key. He came over and asked what I was doing and I told him I was trying to open the lock by picking it. He said That's a "Master" lock they cant be picked. I told him there were very few locks that couldn't be picked and his reply was "if you get that open by picking it I'll give you $20" The words were no sooner out of his mouth  when I popped the lock open and handed it to him and said I'll take that $20 now. ;D ;D He never did get it through his head that old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill
"If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim who can do it. The felon does not fear the police, and he fears neither judge nor jury. Therefore what he must be taught to fear is his victim." - Jeff Cooper
Pericles--"Freedom is only for those who have the guts to defend it".

The problem with society today is that not enough of us drink wine from our enemies skulls”.

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Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars!!!
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Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit zu befürchten, Underdog hier ist.
Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage. Where are we now??????

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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2009, 04:27:56 PM »
No joke!  He's not going to tell everyone how to put him out of business!

They're all over online.  Thats where I got mine.  You can spend $7 bucks, or $70 depending how many peices you want.  You honestly wont need more than a 7 tool kit for most locks.  Unless your doing it as a profession...  The huge expensive kits are a total waste.  I bought a 20 tool kit, and after learning how to use them all I only ever use the same three picks each time.  Usually just two unless its a lock with a double sided key.  Those ARE harder to do for sure, but not to much.  The ones I havet figured out yet (for lack of trying honestly) are the round keys used on vending machines and my tool chest.

If you've got a little money to spend get a "gun pick" those are almost as good as having the key!  They do tend to beat the locks up a little inside though, and you may have trouble with that lock after using the gun pick on it.

By far the best kit in my opinion, and from my experience (comftorble handles DO make a difference!)  Wish I had just bought that one!If nothing else, its just fun to learn to use!  Dont bother trying to pick a car door lock, their to hard to turn for this reason.  Buy a "repo kit" for about 8 bucks for that (comes with a couple different slim jim's, and some other cool stuff).  Get one at a truck stop.

Thanks, Badgersmilk. I ordered the set that you recommended. Can't wait to play with it and learn how to use it.
“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that the people preserve the spirit of resistance?”

Thomas Jefferson, 1787


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Re: gun safe, can't open
« Reply #27 on: June 25, 2009, 09:59:22 AM »
I dont imagin you'll be disapointed. 

Best way to start learning if you ask me (again, I dont do any of this as a profession, just for fun and to add another skill to my "bag of tricks"), get yourself a couple old pad locks and play with them while watching the news, or other tv in the evenings.  That way you dont overthink what your doing and get frustrated (both lead to bending up your picks if your not carefull!).

Dont try to start out with a lock that uses a double sided key either.  Pain in the butt compared to single sided which are a breeze!


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