Author Topic: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th  (Read 8610 times)


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2009, 09:47:41 AM »
Sorry - as bad as things are, there's still a lot more right about this country than there is wrong.
Barry Bean
Fastest of the slow shooters, best of the bad shots


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2009, 09:51:08 AM »
Sorry - as bad as things are, there's still a lot more right about this country than there is wrong.

There won't be if we don't depose this socialist bastard.


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2009, 10:26:41 PM »
Take a deep breath. There's always an election just around the corner.
Barry Bean
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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2009, 10:32:24 PM »
With ACORN supplying more voters than a district has residents like in the Coleman/Franken race, and 20 million illegal aliens that the administration wants to amnesty an election doesn't amount to a piss hole in the snow.
I don't need the deep breath, I'm simply resigned to the fact that the only way REAL Americans will ever get our country back is by hanging the Globalist Elite and as many of their minions as we can catch.


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #24 on: July 04, 2009, 10:33:48 AM »
With ACORN supplying more voters than a district has residents like in the Coleman/Franken race, and 20 million illegal aliens that the administration wants to amnesty an election doesn't amount to a piss hole in the snow.
I don't need the deep breath, I'm simply resigned to the fact that the only way REAL Americans will ever get our country back is by hanging the Globalist Elite and as many of their minions as we can catch.

Sorry you have such little faith in your country.

While you're fretting, I'll be actually working with my elected representatives, volunteering and contributing to campaigns, speaking freely, worshiping as I please, enjoying my second amendment rights, working where and when I please, and generally being a free man in the freest country on earth.

Happy Independence Day!
Barry Bean
Fastest of the slow shooters, best of the bad shots


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #25 on: Today at 04:28:24 AM »


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2009, 12:03:13 PM »
Sorry you have such little faith in your country.

While you're fretting, I'll be actually working with my elected representatives, volunteering and contributing to campaigns, speaking freely, worshiping as I please, enjoying my second amendment rights, working where and when I please, and generally being a free man in the freest country on earth.

Happy Independence Day!
I have plenty of faith in my COUNTRY, it's the f#@king leeches running it and the brainwashed a$$holes who elect them I have no faith in.
Your profile does not give your age, so I will clue you in on some of the facts of life.
 Yes, we may live in a country with more freedoms than any other, HOWEVER, we are no where NEAR as free as we were 30 or 40 years ago.  Your going to enjoy "my second amendment rights", you mean the one that "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" ? As long as you have individual permission from the FBI anyway ?  You are going to work where and when you please ? Good for you, the socialist bastard  killed the manufacturing sector so I have been on unemployment for the last 5 months.
Speak freely ? Worship as you please ? Good deal, just don't let any one find out if your Pastor denounces Fags, (Lev. 18:3) OOPS can't use THAT word, that's "Hate speech".
While you are working with your elected Representative remember this, no matter what party, no matter how he votes, no matter how moral he personally is, he is just as guilty as the scumbags who get caught, because he is allowing them to get away with their rotten practices, he came so cheap they didn't even need to make him rich, they just promise him Committee appointments.
I remember what America was like back when it really WAS a free Republic, that stood for certain morals and beliefs. I miss that country.
You would have liked it.   :'(


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2009, 12:29:27 PM »
I remember what America was like back when it really WAS a free Republic, that stood for certain morals and beliefs. I miss that country.
You would have liked it.   :'(

I miss that country too.  Two being that if you've never experienced certain freedoms, how can you miss them and two if you are in an isolated patch of the country, like when I moved here 12 years ago, one will be unaware of the evil if their range of information comes in from the ouside via the mainstream meda.

I remember when anyone could go down to the feed store and buy a case or two of dynamite to blast stumps or what not.
I remember when a kid could order a 22 from Sears mail order and have it delivered to home.
I remember when you could walk on a plane with a gun and they'd ask if there was a round in the chamber or not.
Back 40 years ago in major metropolitan areas, it was front page news in the Sunday paper if a woman got raped that week....and a big spread if it happened more than twice a month.
Years ago, a bad kid was one that chewed gum in class knowing good and well he wasn't supposed to.
Before there was this Great Society that Johnson foisted on us people took care of one another...and appreciated the help.
There was very little health insurance for anyone...then, as now, people aren't dying by the ten's of thousands without it.
Everyone knew if someone was in the country illegally they were a criminal.
Men weren't scared to stand up for something....I guess a lot of the single parent mommy families have changed all of that...shame on the dads who failed to participate...why is little Johnny queer???
I remember when kids walked up and down the roads and streets carrying guns to go hunting and silly scared old women or silly single parent mommy boys crying about a kid with a gun and calling the police on them because they are frightened.
I remember if a woman had a flat tire a guy would stop and change it and she never had to worry about being molested.
People were polite and generally didn't cut in line or anything....and chastised those who did and the men made the offender get in the back of the line....or leave (did that just the other day, by the way).
People would help the elderly, move out of their way in lines, load their groceries for them...whatever else...because it is the right thing to do.
You could vote for either party and not worry that the President would trash the country.

Boy, we have really improved things...all of this tolerance, diversity, illegal influx, enlightenment, personal affluence and satisfaction...sure has made this a better place to live....NOT.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2009, 02:45:51 PM »
I remember when anyone could go down to the feed store and buy a case or two of dynamite to blast stumps or what not.

I remember not too many years ago (in the last 15 - 20) playing with dynamite like firecrackers on the 4th.  We used to take used two and a half gallon chemical and oil jugs (the ones with the plastic label wrap around them), fill them with water, put a full or partial stick of dynamite behind the label, and shoot at them from fifty yards  ;D  The real fun would come when you stacked the jugs with the dynamite on the bottom one.  You could send water filled jugs a long ways up into the sky  ;D

Another fun thing was to take a black steel drum (50 gallon), put a gallon of gas in it, roll it around the yard and stand it out in the sun (all sealed tight).  Come back after a couple hours and shoot it  :o  The only downside was picking up pieces of steel drum from the yard or field for days afterwards.  We tried it with black plastic, but you need the sparks of the bullet ripping through the steel to make it go pop.

Has anyone every tried accetylene (you know the gas that you use in a torch with oxygen ... damn I need to learn to spell) balloons  :o
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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2009, 03:03:21 PM »
Has anyone every tried acetylene (you know the gas that you use in a torch with oxygen ... damn I need to learn to spell) balloons  :o

Yep, we used to do safety seminars where we'd light a small balloon full of O2 (just popped), one full of acetylene (bigger pop) and just when we had the trainees about to nod off, we'd light off one of both gases mixed (major concussion). It's something you want to do outside if you don't want to blow out windows. We don't do it in seminars anymore, but we do show it on a DVD. One of my customers gets a couple cylinders of hydrogen and one of oxygen every 4th. He mixes the gas in small weather balloons and sends them about 1K feet in the air. Then he touches them off remotely. Pretty impressive.


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Re: Fly the Flag Upside Down on the 4th
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2009, 03:24:39 PM »
Don't worry about kids with fireworks ... Look out for old farts with tools  ;D

What was this thread really about before we took it astray?  Oh well ...
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