Author Topic: National Review endorses Romney  (Read 8017 times)


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Re: National Review endorses Romney
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2007, 08:16:51 AM »
Fred has as much a chance as anyone, but he's got to get off his keyster and make some commotion. One of the commentators hit the nail on the head when they said, "Thompson acts like he wants to "Play" the president instead of "be" the president." He just isn't throwing his back into it.

I have been saying for months on this forum that Fred needed to get out and campaign for the job! I don't think Fred has as much a chance as anyone. I think he has waited too long to step up. The Ia support that is going to Huckabee should have been Fred's. He pee'ed away most of the campaign season and is just now getting serious. I don't know if three weeks is enuff time to turn things around.

If Fred doesn't win or come in second in Ia I don't see how he can continue. He isn't even in the running in NH. Fred isn't competitive in Mi or Nevada. By the time it gets to SC voters there may be focusing on the perceived front runners (Huckabee/Romney/Guiliani) leaving Fred in the dust. Hard to see how he could continue after that. I see Ia as make or break for Fred. If he can't make a strong showing there it is likely all over.


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Re: National Review endorses Romney
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2007, 09:12:18 AM »
Question........ How many voters actualy vote for someone because this group or that group endorses them? I personaly think the media puts to much stock in endorsements. I could care less who any group that I belong to endorses, I will vote for the canidate that I fell will do the best job. With that being said, I will use whatever influance I have with that group to endorse my canidate. But most of us have little say in who they endorse.
A bird in the hand is worth..Well, about a box of shells!
Yes, I'm bitter and cling to guns and religion..


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