We have many issues with our government. Some are easy to fix, others would take steps by the voters to change( ie changing rhe us cons, i will explain )
Our biggest issue is spending. Not the numbers but how we are spending. There is so much waste / graft/ corrpution its not even funny. Any one that can balance a check book could easily be placed in charge of any agency and do better. Better still but a small business owner in charge and magicly watch the spendong crash.
Immigration ( namely illegal and those abusing the 14th amendment) we need stricker boarder inforcment and to change the 14th ammendment to where one parent must be a citizen. That will remove anchor babys as well as baby tourism. This will effect every aspect of the goverment. I bet the cost saving alone would be 20% reduction in budget, or more.
Voting we need to have to show id too vote. Every other country in the world does this, why dont we? Its simple the dems want illegals too vote. The city of sand diego has a 117% voter registration. Fix that shit.
Crime. Sercuring our boarders will have a drastic impact on crime. If we can stop the flood of illegals, drugs and money laundering the ammount of money we could free up in the department of justice would be huge. Now gun control, i would love to wipe all of it away, but that is a pipe dream. Things i would get rid of is the hughes ammendment and remove suppressonrs from the nfa. Gun control i would add... 1 any laws passed against the public also applys to the goverment. What does that mean? If a federal law is passed, it applys to the military and federal le. State or local is the same. Dont want your citz having ars, thats fine your cops lose them too. It will work itself out. Gun crime, no law passed will stop criminals from getting guns. The only thing we can do ia punish them when they commit a crime. So lets make this simple, if your a convicted felon, and commit another felony with a gun, you get life in federal prison. Commit a violent crime with said gun, you get death. Not this 30+ year crap, you get a 5 years for appeals and then you die. 5 years is more than fair.
Government unions. Even fdr was agaisnt them. They have no competition so they can be corrupt and lazy. Remove them and the insane protections goverment employees have. Doing that would save the goverment billions every year.
We all know this stuff is eaay to do. Imthe only reason its not done as it would make lining your pockets harder to do