Author Topic: What a shock the sheriff was a crook.... I've only been saying that for years...  (Read 2505 times)


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The bounty hunter accused of kicking in his wife's door and dragging her outside, the pawnbroker who left a loaded gun tucked between the seats of his unlocked car, the drywall company owner who donated money to the sheriff's campaign and owns a vacation house with him.

All of these men subsequently received permission from the Sacramento County Sheriff's Department to carry a concealed gun.

As a lawsuit accusing former Sheriff Lou Blanas of favoring campaign contributors in decisions on concealed weapon permits wends its way through federal court, The Bee examined public records on more than 550 permits issued since 1996, all but 37 of them under Blanas' terms as sheriff and undersheriff.
Permit holders included people with past criminal convictions, not always reported on their permit applications, The Bee review found, as well as those with drunken driving arrests, which disqualify applicants in many counties.

The department's files, however, were in disarray, with documents often incomplete or missing, making a comprehensive review impossible. The department does not track such basic statistics as a percentage of applications approved and denied.

Shown The Bee's findings, current Sheriff John McGinness, who took office on Blanas' retirement in July 2006, said he plans to clean things up.

"It's going to be repaired," he said, "because otherwise you're going to have the appearance of inconsistency and a lack of fairness, even if that's not the case."

Blanas did not respond to repeated requests for an interview about his management of the permit program, including a letter hand-delivered to his home.

Already, McGinness has begun to limit the number of new permits issued to people outside the law enforcement world. Currently, 255 county residents not in law enforcement are licensed to carry concealed weapons, down from 367 when McGinness took office, state and county records show. An additional 123 deputy district attorneys, judges and police officers also have carry permits.

Sacramento County has far more concealed weapon permit holders than San Francisco County – which had just eight in 2006 – but a fraction compared with more rural counties like Shasta and Kern, which respectively issued 2,316 and 4,006 permits last year, according to data compiled by the state Department of Justice.

In its review of Sacramento permit and court files, The Bee found that over the past decade:

• Blanas collected more than $200,000 in campaign contributions from 70 current or former concealed weapon permit holders and their businesses. McGinness has collected nearly $25,000 from permit holders since he began raising money for his campaign at the start of 2005.

• The department awarded permits to at least 30 people with convictions for crimes ranging from drunken driving to grand theft to secretly videotaping sexual encounters.

• At least seven of those 30 applicants – including two contributors – failed to fully disclose past convictions in their applications.

• Permits were granted to six more people who had been charged with but never convicted of crimes including spousal abuse and brandishing a gun, allegations that can be grounds for denial if police think an applicant showed poor judgment.

Though not all of the crimes were felonies, where convictions automatically prevent applicants from getting a permit, intentionally failing to report them is itself a felony – a fact detailed in the forms applicants complete.

McGinness said not everything known by the department is in the files and, he added, deciding who gets permits for concealed weapons can be agonizing.

"If someone has a fear for their safety and I don't have enough officers in the field," he said, "I'm troubled to say, 'You can't carry a gun.' "

But McGinness said he also was troubled by evidence of scattershot record-keeping and inadequate scrutiny of applicants' past histories as well as by the applicants' lack of full disclosure.


Now I've lived in Sac county for most of life, and I can tell you that with out a doubt that the sheriffs dept and sac metro fire are utterly useless and over paid( but thats another rant, lets just say that compared to the state wide average fire men in sac metro are over paid in salary and bennies by 100k and leave it at that.)   

What shocked me was the number of CCW permits issued by the sheriff, now I know they are all but impossiable to get in this county( mine was deined renewal, long running joke was you had to be giving the sheriff a bj to get one)  I still had no idea that the numbers were that low.  Currently in sac county there is ~ 1 mill people, but only 255 civilans have CCWs.  That really is shocking, whats not shocking is who got them, nor is it shocking that the "paper work" is missing.  Seems to be a common prob with sacramento county...   

Rant off... 

I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.


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That sucks, TAB. 

We in the shooting sports and shooting industry need to fight back!  Barret and (who is the latest?) have shown the way.  No more guns or ammo shipped to Kalifornia or counties that do not recognize the right to self defense.

The shooting sports industry needs to move all contests out of the state and the Tactical shools need to do the same.

Let the cops feel the heat of no firearms and see how they like it!
All tipoes and misspelings are copi-righted.  Pleeze do not reuse without ritten persimmons  :D


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I hope that when the Supreme Court rules on the 2nd Amendment. It rules that it is a indiuiduals right. Therefore putting an end to all this crap!


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I hope that when the Supreme Court rules on the 2nd Amendment. It rules that it is a indiuiduals right. Therefore putting an end to all this crap!
Man, I hope you are right.  I'm going to put aside a few vacation days for a trip to D.C. when this goes to court.   

I don't care who you are....numbers weigh on the mind, but especially the liberal mind.

Maybe someone will organize a peaceful demonstration. 

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-William Pitt, British Prime-Minister (1759-1806)
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