Author Topic: White House has a new Rape Prevention Inititive - develop and App for it.  (Read 2522 times)


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While much of what FQ posted may have value, the fact remains that the duty of the President, and White house staff are supposed to be dealing with the budget, and the wars, and other matters of National importance. Not butting into things that should be taught by parents if the socialists weren't so busy tearing away at America's moral foundation.


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While much of what FQ posted may have value, the fact remains that the duty of the President, and White house staff are supposed to be dealing with the budget, and the wars, and other matters of National importance. Not butting into things that should be taught by parents if the socialists weren't so busy tearing away at America's moral foundation.
And here we agree again :o. Its good advice, just not the right forum for it. The White House should be doing other stuff. The DOJ or the Surgeon General's web sites, that might be the place for this advice.


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Here is Breda's thought on the proposal:


Isn't there some sort of device that would fling heavy metal projectiles at high rates of speed directly at, and hopefully through the vital organs of, your attacker?

(Radical idea, I know, but I suspect it could be very effective.)
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I can't believe everyone here has fallen for this. YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!!!!!

This is about the .gov providing more ways for keeping the population under control. Seriously, from the article:

"creating an easy-to-use application that provides a targeted way for young women to designate trusted friends, allies, or emergency contacts and provide a means for checking-in with these individuals in real-time, particularly in at-risk situations. "

This is so impotent and lame any moron can see through this. What's going to happen? Girl: "Oh, please stop this unwanted groping and fondling for a second, I need to check my Droid!"? I have a smart phone - there ain't anything that is easy to use, let alone in a stress situation.

I am trying to find the link, but the DHS has a video promo out that basically says - if you think something's amiss, call us or the local LEA and rat inform notify us. I see this as another piece in the .gov puzzle.

Connect the dots people - America as we knew it, as we want it, based on law and liberty, is and has been under attack for some time. This is just another nail in the coffin.

Full Disclosure: I did just finish watching V for Vendetta, so I might have the tinfoil on a trifle too tight, but I do not think so.

PS: I think the handgun defense is an excellent idea, but .gov would never in a million years at this point ever suggest that - they will defend us, we are unable to do anything without them there first. Remember that! >:(
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From my understanding of how most date rapes happen, the chances of you getting to a gun are very low.  thats not to say it can't be done, just very low.
I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.


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Actually, all joking aside, the White House plan, while a bit silly isn't stupid. The fact is that most rapes aren't a stranger crawling through the window, they are a guy who doesn't understand the word "no". Its hard to shoot your date, particularly if he's unarmed and walk away. Things like check in calls with safe words and the like are a darn good idea, particularly if you date on "E-psycho" or the like. Its fun to mock the thing. But, I think it is a bit of common sense that folks should have already thought of, but a reminder wouldn't hurt.

Gee, the girl doesn't check in when she is supposed to - and what happens?  You can't report her missing - not enough time has gone by.  You can call the cops - but they are too busy to run this down and there is no proof of any criminal activity.  You can round up your favorite firearms and go to where she is supposed to be - but she is not there.

This app will do little but give some naive girl a false sense of security.  The same rules apply to dating strangers as going hiking in the back-country; tell someone where you are going, who you will be with, when you expect to return, and check in when you get back.


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I saw the title of the thread and thought BHO might have resigned.   :(   >:(  >:(   :(

*(you know, since the White House has been leading the way in raping the nation and such)......
"I expect perdition, I always have. I keep this building at my back, and several guns handy, in case perdition arrives in a form that's susceptible to bullets. I expect it will come in the disease form, though. I'm susceptible to diseases, and you can't shoot a damned disease." ~ Judge Roy Bean, Streets of Laredo

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Actually, I've been the safety call. We were doing this back in the 90s in Austin. Female friend picks up a guy in a bar. Says I'll call you at 11, panic word is fred. She doesn't call, you call her, you start looking or call the cops. It beats the hell out of nothing. ???


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From my understanding of how most date rapes happen, the chances of you getting to a gun are very low.  thats not to say it can't be done, just very low.

A lot of time the woman is too stunned by the change of personality in her attacker that she can't mount (pardon the pun) a proper defense.  Then there is the guilt and not wanting to get him in trouble (and her word against his) so it goes unreported and Johnny Rapist thinks things just work that way.

My favorite story of this kind of thing - indulge me:
Back in a previous life, a friend's wife was raped by an acquittance while he was out on cruise.  She had the courage to report it but it was her word against his.  The cops finally charged him but he pleads "not guilty" and got out on personal recognizance bail.  Not too long afterwards he was out doing his usual bar hopping.  While he was walking from one bar to the next a car pulls up along side and a shotgun barrel gets poked out of a window.  The guy looks over and sees it, the shotgun goes "click."  The car tracks him for a couple more second before the shotgun is retracted and the car speeds away.  Message received.  He changed his plea, did two years and got a DD.


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Some times there is no force used, its like you say they just freeze.  Then there is the whole one or both partys were drunk thing.  I've known a few guys that had reports of rape against them, all were complete BS.  1 was they were both drunk and partying very hard and all over each other.  the other two could not have happen.  1 the guy was not there at the time, the other was from a psycho chick that was bat shit crazy and ended up going to jail over what she said had happend.

Its messed up system thats for sure.  but date rape is one of the few crimes that can be avoided a good precentage  of the time if some safety measures are taken.

I always break all the clay pigeons,  some times its even with lead.


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