Simple, really - all you need to do to get vastly improved performance over a .223 caliber and from a .30 caliber bullet, on a par with the 6.8 REM SPC for the supersonic round, is to swap out a barrel. No new magazines to keep sorted or marked or somehow designated so they don't get mixed up with the 5.56 mags like the 6.8 caliber; no new bolt carrier group; no special lower for a larger-sized round; nothing other than a new barrel, say less than $200.
For the bene's, it merits a look.
I am on a MacBook computer, and consequently, my options are limited as far as FREE downloadable ballistics calculators go. Just doing a quick image google search, this is what I came up with:

.300WT is Wilson Tactical.
Here is a chart I found for 6.8 SPC and 6.5 Grendel:

I'm not here to debate the lego blockness of the AR15 platform.
From what I have gathered off the internet the other name for the .300 Blackout is 7.62X35mm. The 7.62X39mmRussian round is....well...the case is 39 milimeters long. So a whole whopping 4 milimeters longer than the .300 Blackout case. Given certain case dimensions or parameters, in my opinion, you are only going to wring out just so much exterior ballistics performance.
All I am saying is if you have an AK or some other platform in 7.62X39Russian...AND....(this is the kicker) you live in one of those free-er states where you are trusted to own suppressors, instead of getting all ga-ga eyed over the .300Blackout and having your money burn a hole through your pocket, you might want to try or to experiment handloading 7.62X39Russian ammo with heavier bullets at subsonic velocities.
Then go out and get you a 7.62 muzzle can. If your project doesn't work, well, you still have the muzzle can, and the tax stamp already then you can go drop your coin on a whole new complete .300 Blackout AR15, a complete .300 Blackout AR upper, or just do a barrel swap on one of your existing AR15 uppers.
The other thing I am saying is, in my opinion, the purpose behind every new caliber (and it's advertising hype) is to sell you new guns, barrels, or other gadgets/doo-dads like suppressors.
The proof is in the pudding...and the pudding is those trajectory charts.
If somebody is selling new .300 Blackout barrels for $200, you post up a link?