Author Topic: How The rest of the world looks at us.  (Read 5665 times)


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How The rest of the world looks at us.
« on: April 02, 2008, 07:29:02 PM »
I picked this out of what I think was an Italian site (hard to tell)  Im not sayin this is accurate , but there is alot of this on other countrys news sites. Read between the lines.April  Wednesday 2  2008 (14h20) :
Russia ‘Alarmed’ As US Readies April Nuclear Attack On Iran
Russia ‘Alarmed’ As US Readies April Nuclear Attack On Iran

April 2, 2008

By: Sorcha Faal,

Russian Foreign Ministry Officials are reported to be ‘alarmed’ today over a ‘presentation’ made by the United States War Leaders to President Putin at this weeks NATO summit in Romania and which details the Americans plan to begin a nuclear attack against Irans atomic facilities in the next two weeks.

Most disturbing of these reports, according to Foreign Ministry Analysts, are the United States ‘offers and threats’ towards Russia to ‘remain neutral’ in this conflict or face the combined weight of the American and EU central banks deliberate collapsing of the Western banking system, and US dollar, and which is estimated will cause the loss of nearly $800 billion of Russian foreign reserves.

To the ‘offers’ presented to President Putin for keeping Russia out of this war, these reports continue, will be NATO’s rejection of Ukraine and Georgia membership into the Western Military Alliance and the ending of the planned US Missile Shield being planned for Poland and the Czech Republic.

In what, sadly, passes for diplomacy these days with the United States, this ‘presentation’ to President Putin is eerily reminiscent of the offer made to the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan prior to the US invasion of their country after their rejection of the American offer, and which French news sources reported was stated, “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

To the likelihood of the US carrying out their brutal expansion of their war against the Muslim peoples of the World with a nuclear attack upon Iran there remains today little doubt as Saudi Arabia has ordered their people to prepare for nuclear war, and as we can read as reported by Iran’s Press TV News Service, and which says:

"Saudi Arabia is reportedly preparing to counter any ’radioactive hazards’ which may result from a US strike on Iran’s nuclear plants.

Popular government-guided Saudi newspaper Okaz recently reported that the Saudi Shura Council approved of nuclear fallout preparation plans only a day after US Vice President Dick Cheney met with the Kingdom’s high ranking officials, including King Abdullah.

As a result of the Shura ruling, the Saudi government will start the implementation of ’national plans to deal with any sudden nuclear and radioactive hazards that may affect the Kingdom following expert warnings of possible attacks on Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactors’."

Israel is, likewise, said to be preparing for this new war, and as we can read as reported by Israeli News Sources, and which state: "Defense Minister Ehud Barak authorized on Sunday evening the plans for a national emergency drill, which is scheduled to take place in two weeks time."

Russian Military Analysts, in these reports, further state that with a US nuclear strike against Iran, Israel will, also, launch a simultaneous against Syria, and as we can read, as reported by Israel’s Ynet News Service, the Syrian Nation is preparing for:

"Syria is preparing for a comprehensive Israeli strike which will be combined with an attack on Hizbullah, sources in Damascus have told the London-based Arabic-language al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. The sources, which refused to reveal their identity, reported that Syria was closely monitoring the movement of Israeli forces along the northern border.

The newspaper reported Wednesday that Damascus viewed the Israeli media reports and statements made by senior Israel Defense Forces officials as incitement and attempts to prepare the Israeli and global public opinion for a war against Syria.

In addition to the military preparations, the sources said, Damascus has raised its security alert level for fear that Israeli forces would infiltrate its territories through one of its bordering countries, mainly referring to Lebanon.

Over the past few weeks, the Syrians have stationed three armored divisions, special forces and nine mechanized infantry divisions opposite Lebanon’s western valley, as the Syrians estimate that a ground Israeli invasion may take place in that area."

As the American people remain under the greatest threat in their history to their freedom, and as Britain’s top economic experts are stating that the US is now falling into a Great Depression, with the most of their citizens receiving food aid in their entire history, while at the same time their Military reports the spending of over $1.6 trillion on new weapons for their wars, one cannot but shudder to think of the grave consequences should their grab for total World domination fails.

But, with all of the failed attempts by many Global powers in the past to establish their rule over the entire World, and should the United States fail in their nuclear attack against Iran, and with the added backdrop of the growing crisis of our Earth being able to feed its own people, even the most simplest of minds can see the folly of the Americans desires.

This cannot, however, be said of the American people, and who continue leading their ‘American Dream’ lives while being led to their own destruction along a road paved with celebrity trivialities and banal stories of nothingness that passes for news in their country.

Never has it been more true the age old saying, “For those who do not learn history they are doomed to repeat


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 07:55:50 PM »
boy they sure got this part right... American people remain under the greatest threat in their history to their freedom, and as Britain’s top economic experts are stating that the US is now falling into a Great Depression, with the most of their citizens receiving food aid in their entire history, while at the same time their Military reports the spending of over $1.6 trillion on new weapons .


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 08:14:41 PM »
That report sounds like it is straight out of Pravda!

I didn't know we were going to nuke Iran in two weeks, did you?  Heck, even I don't have a 'smilie' to show how ridiculous that is!
All tipoes and misspelings are copi-righted.  Pleeze do not reuse without ritten persimmons  :D


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 08:26:09 PM »
Yeah crappola , I wanted to see that.  These story's are all over the world in different "state" sponsored news papers. They mix it with real news  (is that what they call propaganda) ? ???   ::)


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2008, 09:25:22 PM »
FTA: ""Saudi Arabia is reportedly preparing to counter any ’radioactive hazards’ which may result from a US strike on Iran’s nuclear plants."

And in another article, in a US report, SA is reportedly terrified of Iran's own growing nuclear capabilities.

Who ya gonna believe?

On the other hand, also FTA:

"This cannot, however, be said of the American people, and who continue leading their ‘American Dream’ lives while being led to their own destruction along a road paved with celebrity trivialities and banal stories of nothingness that passes for news in their country."

Boy, howdy, ain't that the truth. well, for 75-90% of the sheeple in this country. Doubt me? Go into your work breakroom and see just how many copies of Us, People and the like there are being read - avidly! Does Oprah seem to be on incessantly like at my place?

Stock up, hunker, and pray.

"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do this to others and I require the same from them"

J.B. Books


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #5 on: Today at 07:20:52 AM »


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2008, 02:38:22 AM »
Yeah crappola , I wanted to see that.  These story's are all over the world in different "state" sponsored news papers. They mix it with real news  (is that what they call propaganda) ? ???   ::)

Yes. I just got done reading a book about the former RUSSIAN deputy "rezident"( Similar to CIA deputy head of station) in NY. When the Soviet Union went away the spies did NOTWhen the KGB was broken up the Foriegn intelligence Department became the Russian SVR. Under the KGB the "Main Enemies" were 1 USA 2 NATO 3 China. Under the SVR the "Main TARGETS" are 1 USA  2 Nato  3China. For those of you who didn't catch it at the time, CNN carried a small story about Russia shipping military gear, including NVG's to Iraq even as the US troops were heading into Bagdad. The story was lost in the noise about us taking the city so was missed by many. The main reason they were against us invading was that Putin and his cronies were making millioks off "Food for oil" the only administator left was a Russian, He approved all the vouchers, Iraqi oil was undervalued by as much as $ .35/ barrel so the recipient of a 1 million barrel voucher sells it to an oil company for an instant profit of $350,000, the vouchers were for multi million barrel quantities. The foot lockers full of cash that we heard about came from the kickbacks demanded by Saddam. These people never have been our friends and never will be unless they NEED us, then it will only be as long as they see an advantage. THE COLD WAR NEVER ENDED.
The reason France resists taking action against Iran is because they bought their Nuclear reactor from France and the middleman who oversaw the deal was Jacques Chirac himself.
PS the book is  "Comrade J" by Pete Early, Published by Putnam.

It also goes into some detail about the fraud of "Nuclear Winter" and how this Soviet propaganda ploy was swallowed and defended by "Celebrity Scientist" Carl Sagan who's peers ridiculed his "Sloppy science" and questioned the integrity of releasing it to the news papers years before it was released for "Peer Review", Makes you wonder about "Global warming" .


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2008, 07:32:02 AM »
The intelligent American prepares for all manner of domestic difficulty. He goes to school to get a good job. Invests wisely so he can afford a decent lifestyle for himself and family. He finds and marries an able spouse to share the sometimes (often) bumpy road of life. Studies politics, war, history and religion, to empower his character in the face of adversity. Acquires and maintains resources to sustain life and prosperity as our forefathers envisioned. He learns to anticipate needs to minimize adverse impact. All as it should be.

Why, then, is there such a blind aversion to facing and ACTING toward the looming eventuality of establishing a firewall between us and Arab oil? We continue to return to the poisoned well, begging for another sip, knowing we are being slowly debilitated by those who have, for a century, skillfully crafted a global dependence designed to effect domination. Can it be otherwise? They possess all the wealth of the world, so why the continued lust for influence? Power to command!

Whether they do it to us, or we do it to them, by forces of economics or physics, access to middle-eastern oil is rapidly coming to an end for the United States-without becoming One With Them. Submission to their will is the price of access. It's a simple, historicly clear fact.

The government fritters, with forward looking mileage requirements, gas saving speed limits, tire pressure advisories, studies and illusions that it will all work out if we learn to conserve. All truely worthy steps to be responsibly taken, but of no real impact in the face of our massive vulnerability-the life dependant addiction to oil supplied by those who already, gleefully hold a measure of bondage over us.

To paraphrase the headlines worldwide, "The End Is Near", for access to foreign oil. We prepare individually as best we can. It is time to act Nationally, with no less effort than we provided for the invasion of Normandy, to be ready for that end, before we should have.

Respectfully, Mac.

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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2008, 10:19:38 AM »
Well said by all....However, for this to be supposedly happening so soon sounds like something you would read in the National Enquirer on a world level. I worked in nukes for a couple of years way back in the Minuteman 2 days. Even then it was known that when the first missle was launched it would turn in to a "my bombs bigger than your bomb" scenario until all the bombs were spent. Terms such as "limited nuclear engagement" and "tactical nuclear warfare" were at best "feel good" terms by the governments to make the populace think that a nuclear war was somehow survivable. The word "Bullshit" fits in here somewhere. Some of you may remember the old Conelrad (control of electromagnetic radiation) (P.S... 1 in 10,000 folks knew what that word meant) when the sirens would blow and school kids hid under their desks to protect themselves from falling debris. Folks had fallout shelters in their back yard. After the initial attack you should stay in your shelter for 45 days, then come out and start a new world of peace and tranquility.

Well guys and gals, believe me, it ain't gonna be exactly that way. Any limited nuclear engagement will very quickly (within hours) turn into a full scale nuclear war. Imagine literally thousands of 1 to 100 megaton missles flying through the air (by the way not a clue where a sizable percentage of them will land). Crawl out of your hole 45 days later and see what's left. A very large percentage of the edible animals on earth will perish or be killed off within weeks. Your local Albertsons, Winn Dixie or whatever food store shelves will be empty and won't be restocked. As things continue to deteriorate, folks wil be forced to turn to cannibalization within weeks.

That's a worst case scenario. But, a possible one. The movie "The Day After" was well written and pretty much sums it up. Even with the SALT agreements between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. there are thousands of nukes still out there. Unfortunately there are lots of fools in high places in government that think that kind of war is survivable. They are wrong. Don't believe me, ask the guys who built the bombs, or the soldiers that guard and control them. I did, and got a different answer entirely.
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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2008, 11:42:08 AM »
Well said by all....However, for this to be supposedly happening so soon sounds like something you would read in the National Enquirer on a world level. I worked in nukes for a couple of years way back in the Minuteman 2 days. Even then it was known that when the first missle was launched it would turn in to a "my bombs bigger than your bomb" scenario until all the bombs were spent. Terms such as "limited nuclear engagement" and "tactical nuclear warfare" were at best "feel good" terms by the governments to make the populace think that a nuclear war was somehow survivable. The word "Bullshit" fits in here somewhere. Some of you may remember the old Conelrad (control of electromagnetic radiation) (P.S... 1 in 10,000 folks knew what that word meant) when the sirens would blow and school kids hid under their desks to protect themselves from falling debris. Folks had fallout shelters in their back yard. After the initial attack you should stay in your shelter for 45 days, then come out and start a new world of peace and tranquility.

Well guys and gals, believe me, it ain't gonna be exactly that way. Any limited nuclear engagement will very quickly (within hours) turn into a full scale nuclear war. Imagine literally thousands of 1 to 100 megaton missles flying through the air (by the way not a clue where a sizable percentage of them will land). Crawl out of your hole 45 days later and see what's left. A very large percentage of the edible animals on earth will perish or be killed off within weeks. Your local Albertsons, Winn Dixie or whatever food store shelves will be empty and won't be restocked. As things continue to deteriorate, folks wil be forced to turn to cannibalization within weeks.

That's a worst case scenario. But, a possible one. The movie "The Day After" was well written and pretty much sums it up. Even with the SALT agreements between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. there are thousands of nukes still out there. Unfortunately there are lots of fools in high places in government that think that kind of war is survivable. They are wrong. Don't believe me, ask the guys who built the bombs, or the soldiers that guard and control them. I did, and got a different answer entirely.

As far as "The Day after" goes, see my previous post, it was SPECIFICLY mentioned as be BS


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Re: How The rest of the world looks at us.
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2008, 11:52:57 AM »
Tom, "The Day After" is what it is..a movie. One of countless thousands of possible scenarios. I agree the Nuclear Winter sounds a bit farfetched, but who knows?

As far as the radiation, countless millions dead or permanently disfigured for generations..that is a very possible outcome to nuclear war. We've already been there during WW 2. And those two were tiny in comparison.

I actually hope your right about it all being BS ;)
Strategic Air Command Motto: Peace is Our Profession, Believe it or We'll Bomb the Hell Outta Ya!


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