Author Topic: What's "wrong" with you..  (Read 1732 times)


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What's "wrong" with you..
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:21:48 AM »

Once they declare you crazy, all bets are off.. My beef with Newt has been posting our medical records online/in a national database, for any ER Nurse to view..
Compound that with the idea that any human emotion that isn't joy over the advancement of Marxism is somehow a mental illness, and mental illness disqualifies you from firearms ownership, we have a problem, (and not just in Houston).

More bricks in the wall that divides freedom and you..

Hold your arms out. It'll be harder for them to get the net over you..

Shyness, Grief Now Considered Mental Illnesses
Friday, February 10, 2012 7:36 AM

Millions of healthy people — including shy or defiant children, grieving relatives, and people with fetishes — may be wrongly labeled mentally ill by a new international diagnostic manual, specialists said on Thursday.

In a damning analysis of an upcoming revision of the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychologists, psychiatrists, and other experts said new categories of mental illness identified in the book were at best "silly" and at worst "worrying and dangerous."

"Many people who are shy, bereaved, eccentric, or have unconventional romantic lives will suddenly find themselves labeled as mentally ill," said Peter Kinderman, head of Liverpool University's Institute of Psychology at a briefing in London about widespread concerns over the manual.

"It's not humane, it's not scientific, and it won't help decide what help a person needs."

The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and has symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It is used internationally and seen as the diagnostic "bible" for mental health medicine.

No one from the APA was immediately available for comment.

More than 11,000 health professionals have already signed a petition calling for the development of the fifth edition of the manual to be halted and re-thought.

Some diagnoses — for conditions like "oppositional defiant disorder" and "apathy syndrome" — risk devaluing the seriousness of mental illness and medicalizing behaviors most people would consider normal or just mildly eccentric, the experts said.

At the other end of the spectrum, the new DSM, due out next year, could give medical diagnoses for serial rapists and sex abusers — under labels like "paraphilic coercive disorder" — and may allow offenders to escape prison by providing what could be seen as an excuse for their behavior, they added.

Radical and Reckless

Simon Wessely, of the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, said a look back at history should make health experts ask themselves: "Do we need all these labels?"

He said the 1840 census of the United States included just one category for mental disorder, but by 1917 the APA was already recognizing 59. That rose to 128 in 1959, to 227 in 1980, and again to around 350 disorders in the fastest revisions of DSM in 1994 and 2000.

Allen Frances, of Duke University and chair of the committee that oversaw the previous DSM revision, said DSM-5 would "radically and recklessly expand the boundaries of psychiatry" and result in the "lexicalization of normality, individual difference, and criminality."

David Pilgrim, of Britain's University of Central Lancashire, said it was "hard to avoid the conclusion that DSM-5 will help the interests of the drug companies."

"Madness and misery exist but they come in many shapes and sizes," he said. "We risk treating the experience and conduct of people as if they are botanical specimens waiting to be identified and categorized in rigid boxes.

"That would itself be a form of collective madness for all those complicit in the continuing pseudo-scientific exercise."

Nick Craddock, of Cardiff University's department of psychological medicine and neurology, who also spoke at the London briefing, cited depression as a key example of where DSM's broad categories were going wrong.

Whereas in previous editions, a person who had recently lost a loved one and was suffering low moods would be seen as experiencing a normal human reaction to bereavement, the new DSM criteria would ignore the death, look only at the symptoms, and class the person as having a depressive illness.

Other examples of diagnoses cited by experts as problematic included "gambling disorder," "internet addiction disorder," and "oppositional defiant disorder" — a condition in which a child "actively refuses to comply with majority's requests" and "performs deliberate actions to annoy others."

"That basically means children who say 'no' to their parents more than a certain number of times," Kinderman said. "On that criteria, many of us would have to say our children are mentally ill."
With friends like these, who needs hallucinations!..


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2012, 10:45:31 AM »

Once they declare you crazy, all bets are off.. My beef with Newt has been posting our medical records online/in a national database, for any ER Nurse to view..
Compound that with the idea that any human emotion that isn't joy over the advancement of Marxism is somehow a mental illness, and mental illness disqualifies you from firearms ownership, we have a problem, (and not just in Houston).

More bricks in the wall that divides freedom and you..

That may save your life.


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2012, 10:51:45 AM »
Not really anything new!  After my accident, some or most of my x-rays were examined by an radiologist in Asia!

If you've ever been to a VA facility for a health reason, your records are already available to most any hospital in the country as I understand it!  I may be wrong.


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2012, 11:23:23 AM »
The information cannot be made secure, and therefore can be used against you by any little .gov pissant from dog catcher on up, as well as insurance companies or anybody clever enough to hack a database..
That's the problem.. Wear a Medic Alert tag.. 0+, Sulfa. If you can't tell them your blood type/allergies, you can't tell then who you are to look you up..
Your Attorney and Dr are bound by privacy laws for good reasons.. Get a warrant.. 4th Ammendment..

The VA has it's own issues.. Some of which go back to the original point/article..
Getting records or non-emergency treatment isn't that easy.. I moved from one region to another last year and got nothing till I transfered my records here.. Bureaucratic BS at it's .gov finest..
With friends like these, who needs hallucinations!..


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2012, 11:37:33 AM »
I am more concerned about every little thing having to be a separate disorder.  People can't just be sad because something happened; they have to have "chronic, it's the end of the world, you'll never get over it, we've got medication for this, depressive disorder."  or People can't just have a bad attitude; they have to have "I'm not an A'hole because of this, I wasn't disciplined enough growing up, hormone embalance, I would rather have a medical condition than just be called a jerk dissorder."

Being abnormal is normal, people are different, and emotions are different for people.  Yes there are real problems, but most these days are just made up terms.


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #5 on: Today at 11:14:57 AM »


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2012, 11:51:07 AM »
The information cannot be made secure, and therefore can be used against you by any little .gov pissant from dog catcher on up, as well as insurance companies or anybody clever enough to hack a database..
That's the problem.. Wear a Medic Alert tag.. 0+, Sulfa. If you can't tell them your blood type/allergies, you can't tell then who you are to look you up..
Your Attorney and Dr are bound by privacy laws for good reasons.. Get a warrant.. 4th Ammendment..

The VA has it's own issues.. Some of which go back to the original point/article..
Getting records or non-emergency treatment isn't that easy.. I moved from one region to another last year and got nothing till I transfered my records here.. Bureaucratic BS at it's .gov finest..

+1 - there is a huge move afoot (very quietly) to move every provider to install and use systems that provide portability of information while still maintaining HIPAA "protections". EPIC Systems in WI is one of the favorites these days, and if you have any kind of EPIC experience in IT, you can pretty much write your own ticket.

But is it secure? No one knows, the vendor I am sure will do all they can to assure you the information is secure, but having been in the IT industry for a few decades, I can assure you NO information is ever secure. Look at that miserable little POS PFC in the US Army who released stuff to Wikileaks he should never have even known about, let alone been allowed to get near.

Security is only window dressing - the real reason is to collect and coordinate this information. I have this first hand from working on a Medicaid project. Medicaid is a state-defined and run program, with Fed funding. Yet the Feds are pushing to rebuild every state's Medicaid system so that the information is portable and transferable - ostensibly for the patient's benefit. And it will be for their benefit - for the short term. Long-term, it will be of benefit to .gov.
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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2012, 11:54:31 AM »
I am more concerned about every little thing having to be a separate disorder.  People can't just be sad because something happened; they have to have "chronic, it's the end of the world, you'll never get over it, we've got medication for this, depressive disorder."  or People can't just have a bad attitude; they have to have "I'm not an A'hole because of this, I wasn't disciplined enough growing up, hormone embalance, I would rather have a medical condition than just be called a jerk dissorder."

Being abnormal is normal, people are different, and emotions are different for people.  Yes there are real problems, but most these days are just made up terms.

Autism was barely recognized 30 years ago, now 1% of all children "suffer" from it. Blame the drug companies, but blame the shrinks more who have revised the definition (they control the definition) so that more and more kids need psychiatric care (their own industry) and special (i.e., expensive) drugs.

IMHO, you can also blame things like GMO's that maybe have an unforeseen effect on people such that the true population of people needing help may in fact be increasing.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do this to others and I require the same from them"

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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2012, 12:04:38 PM »
I wasn't blaming any particular group alone.  I'm blaming the system as a whole.  Drug companies want to sell products, doctors/shrinks want to be able to diagnose something new or maintain their relevance, the media wants an easy/catchy story or term, and often patients want something that says it's not their fault they're the way they are.  If I left out a group or level, it was an accident, and I'm sure they are part of the problem too.


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2012, 08:56:47 PM »
Some diagnoses — for conditions like "oppositional defiant disorder" and "apathy syndrome" — risk devaluing the seriousness of mental illness and medicalizing behaviors most people would consider normal or just mildly eccentric, the experts said.

I might actually have this......then again, I don't give a shit if I do...
You can say lots of bad things about pedophiles; but at least they drive slowly past schools.


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Re: What's "wrong" with you..
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2012, 12:56:06 PM »
Some diagnoses — for conditions like "oppositional defiant disorder" and "apathy syndrome" — risk devaluing the seriousness of mental illness and medicalizing behaviors most people would consider normal or just mildly eccentric, the experts said.

I might actually have this......then again, I don't give a shit if I do...

 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
"I expect perdition, I always have. I keep this building at my back, and several guns handy, in case perdition arrives in a form that's susceptible to bullets. I expect it will come in the disease form, though. I'm susceptible to diseases, and you can't shoot a damned disease." ~ Judge Roy Bean, Streets of Laredo

For the Patriots of this country, the Constitution is second only to the Bible for most. For those who love this country, but do not share my personal beliefs, it is their Bible. To them nothing comes before the Constitution of these United States of America. For this we are all labeled potential terrorists. ~ Dean Garrison

"When it comes to the enemy, just because they ain't pullin' a trigger, doesn't mean they ain't totin' ammo for those that are."~PegLeg


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