Author Topic: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment  (Read 8672 times)


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Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« on: September 20, 2012, 12:50:54 AM »
Wow.  One of the most powerful podcast ever!  Nicely done Michael Bane!

My Grandfather, Bill Geddes, originally from Scotland, served in WWII.  He served on a mine sweeper.  He died in 1978, when I was only 9 years old.  A great Scotsman and I am proud to say, a great American!  To this day, when I smell someone smoking a pipe, I think of him.  Anyway, the only thing I remember him saying specifically about WWII, is that when it was over and we discovered these killing factories, he regretted that the United States had not entered the war sooner. He wondered how many millions we could have saved!

Thank You for another powerful lesson.  Your Podcasts are just as important as your television shows!  Which I will finally get to watch!  Outdoor channel is being added to my service next week!

Chad Hendrix
Biloxi, MS

"A free people, ought to be armed."  George Washington


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2012, 07:07:17 PM »
Well Done MB. I have to tell you I look forward to the weekly podcast for the music, insider info, and thoughtful commentary. This week was powerful stuff.

Thank you



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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2012, 11:11:18 PM »
I arrived in Germany, courtesy of the US Army, two weeks after the wall fell in '89.  During the Summer of '90 my unit took a trip to Dachau, the first concentration camp in Germany, and at the mature age of 19 I walked the grounds trying to wrap my brain around where I was.  I never thought that experience had much effect on me until I listened to MB recount his trip to Auschwitz, the benefit of an additional 22 years of life experiences.  I think this is where my wife's perspective of the world and my own began to differ long before we met even though many have been taught about the Holocaust there is nothing like being "on location".  Having seen the depths of man kinds depravity and the evil men can perpetrate on women and children, marching them into the gas chambers telling tales of their new life  >:( some things cannot be, nor should be, forgotten.

Like some that accept the reality that the world is not a safe place and that the veil of civility is just that a thin, fragile veil I struggle with communicating this effectively to my wife.  Whether it is a coping mechanism, denial or blissful ignorance I don't know but I have a long road to go but like MB said once "I'll always vote for the Second Amendment" while her interest may vary from kids in high school (I'll deal with the boys), kids in college, grandkids (I'll take them shooting-inoculation  ;) ) and so on. 

Thanks MB for helping me realize how far I've come from those years as a home-sick GI in a land far, far away to be the man I am today.
He who dares wins.  SAS


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2012, 12:57:15 AM »
After listening to this podcast, I found the film 'Night and Fog' on Amazon Instant... three day rental for $1.99 .

That 32 minutes was the most frightening, disgusting, and infuriating 32 minutes I have ever spent.  MB described how he was the only one left in the room by the end of the film when his professor showed it in college - and I can see why.  Horrifyiing... absolutely horrifying.  Their bodies were used to make soap, fertilizer, parchment, and cloth - the way farm animals are used.  The torture, medical experimentation, and other unspeakable abuses are almost unfathomable.

What infuriates me is how anyone, after seeing these atrocities, could support gun control in any form.  And what completely baffles me is how anyone of Jewish descent could support gun control.

This is an extremely powerful film... 32 minutes that can change the way you view the world.


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2012, 08:41:14 AM »
After listening to this podcast, I found the film 'Night and Fog' on Amazon Instant... three day rental for $1.99 .

That 32 minutes was the most frightening, disgusting, and infuriating 32 minutes I have ever spent.  MB described how he was the only one left in the room by the end of the film when his professor showed it in college - and I can see why.  Horrifyiing... absolutely horrifying.  Their bodies were used to make soap, fertilizer, parchment, and cloth - the way farm animals are used.  The torture, medical experimentation, and other unspeakable abuses are almost unfathomable.

What infuriates me is how anyone, after seeing these atrocities, could support gun control in any form.  And what completely baffles me is how anyone of Jewish descent could support gun control.

This is an extremely powerful film... 32 minutes that can change the way you view the world.

You left out mention of their gold teeth being melted down and placed in Swiss banks.


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #5 on: Today at 07:30:20 PM »


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2012, 08:02:36 PM »
I became aware of all this back when I was in my early 20's and it has been a dilemma  for me ever since.

While the world at large might have been ignorant of what was happening behind the fences in the camps, the hell that was going on in the Warsaw Ghetto was fairly well known.

My question to myself was  "How could any individual, people or nation allow those atrocities to continue."

On the other hand, of course, is how do you "manage" being the moral police officer for the world.
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"
—Patrick Henry

"Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority. It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
— Daniel Webster


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 08:44:36 PM »
For one thing, Jews have never been very popular among European nations.
The Jew was the eternal "outsider", he, or his parents, or grandparents, always came from some where else.
There is a joke about real Yankee's, when asked "is So and So a native?" the reply is "No, his folks came from away."
That was the Jew, in a world of "us", and "them", he was always a "them", never an "us".
In medieval times laws were passed to prevent them from owning land, or engaging in many trades, so many were forced to become traveling peddlers, then traders, and merchants, at a time when cash money could be scarce even for Kings the Church forbade "usury", which at the time was considered any lending of money for profit.
The Jew faced no such restrictions and many a fancy King was in hock up to his crenelations to Hymie the pack peddler.
When a disaster comes, war famine, plague, the blame first goes to 2 groups, "them", and "the wealthy", the Jew was seen as both through out history.
The second reason that Jews were so unpopular was the association between Jews and Communism.
In our own history the connection between the influx of East European Jews and the rise of labor unions and socialism is easily documented, Europe was even more so earlier, and to a greater extent.
The most glaring examples come from the Russian Revolution ,
Vladimir Lenin,
 born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov,
and Leon Trotsky
 born Lev Davidovich Bronshtein
Both were Jews first introduced to leftist politics through Jewish socialist and Zionist politics.
How many Jews now in America vote Democrat ?
So if you have a wealthy , socialist, outsider, it is a recipe for "Scape goat" that, (minus the socialist tag ) is still be used by Obama.
That's how it happened.
Saul Alinsky, ( another liberal Jew ) hit on an interesting fact in "Rules for radicals", it is a scientific formula, like chemistry or Gravity that can be codified and duplicated as was done by Slobadan Milosivic in the former Yugoslavia.


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2012, 01:55:43 PM »
Very powerful podcast, Michael.  I found "Night and Fog" and watched it last night...although I have seen other films on the Holocaust, this one was different.  The horror is worsened, I think, when you see how casually these atrocities were committed by those involved.  Making human beings into soap?!  Absolute evil, period.  If there can be an up side, it is that it only strengthens my commitment to the 2nd Amendment, which is the best insurance that my loved ones and I will never be loaded into boxcars.


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2012, 05:37:29 PM »
Hannah Arendt wrote a book, "The Banality of Evil" that points out that most involved in the Holocaust were not bad people, they were good husbands, loving fathers, and diligent workers .
They were good low and middle level managers put in charge.
The progress from discriminating against Jews to Death camps is enlightening.
Originally the SS were working with Jewish Organizations to simply get them out of Germany.
Through out the war it was possible for a Jew to by his way out of the Reich.
The problem was no other countries, including the US would accept them.
So they were sent to camps originally built for communists, the SA, and other political prisoners.
( It can be argued that many of the early Jews actually belonged in the camps since they were in fact communists and socialists )
A commander of an early camp like  Dachau that was built to hold hundreds is saddled with thousands of prisoners, he gets a call, "You are getting 10,000 Jews on Wednesday" , He says "I have no room", his caller replies, "Not my problem, you're getting them" he says "What the hell am I supposed to do shoot 10,000 to make room ?"
The reply is simple, "I don't care, the train is already in transit".
So the camp commander has 10,000 shot, but it is found that this method uses ammo needed at the front, takes large amounts of time,  poses a disposal problem that also diverts assets from the front , takes time, and takes a terrible toll on the mental health of the troops involved, drunkenness and suicides become a problem until one guy runs a hose from the exhaust into his car and gasses himself.
Germans being Germans some one does some engineering and designs the "Extermination van".
But that requires gasoline which is in short supply, and does not solve the disposal problem.
From there it is a short logical step to Zyclon B and ovens .
All of it perfectly legal under existing abortion and euthanasia laws.


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Re: Downrange radio #283 Auschwitz and the 2nd Amendment
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2012, 09:30:08 AM »
For one thing, Jews have never been very popular among European nations.
The Jew was the eternal "outsider", he, or his parents, or grandparents, always came from some where else.
So if you have a wealthy , socialist, outsider, it is a recipe for "Scape goat" that, (minus the socialist tag ) is still be used by Obama.
That's how it happened.

Tom that is a very complicated subject. Not disagreeing with what you wrote, just saying it is a very deep subject that is deeply intertwined in what we call the rise of western civilization. A couple of examples:

Religious restrictions on charging interest to other Christians created a situation for the stereotyped Jewish bankers who funded most of the European wars. When the royal debt got too high to pay back then the governments usually scapegoated the Jews to kill the debt holders and start over. This was critical to the invention of capital markets and stock exchanges. Victor Davis Hansen is a great historian for examples of this and how critical ithas been to our success in fighting the Moslem expansion for the last few centuries.

It is an interesting fact that an unusually large fraction of our scientific discoveries for the last few centuries have come from the eastern European Jewish ethnic group. Most of our current physics in particular. Romney's comments about Israel's contribution far outstripping the Palestinian's was if anything understated. They have been prolific.

The summer before going to college (1977) I decided I wanted to better understand how a government could crush its people and so i read the "Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich". A long book but I found it riveting. It took my instinctive distrust of govt to a new understanding. I have never had a chance to see the death camps but will if I am ever in country. BTW it is worth reading today as it mirrors the current global political cycle if you replace the nazis with the islamofacists.   Small wars, appeasement, disbelief followed by a shit storm.


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