In January, I had an episode that looked and felt like a heart attack. Made a trip to the ER and was sent to the cardiac ward for an overnight.
Turned out the ticker was working fine. The problem was with an extremely large hiatal hernia that had developed to the point where my stomach and esophagus were pressing against my heart and left lung.
After a load of tests and exploring options, I am headed for the surgical suite on Tuesday morning at 0600.
Doc says he will attempt to do this procedure laparoscopically (sp? spell check doesn't recognize it) with only two or three small incisions. But, he has already cautioned me that he doesn't think that will be possible because of the proximity to my heart and the size of the balloon of stomach nestled above my diaphragm. He told me he will not endanger my outcome for purposes of esthetics and expects to have to do conventional surgery to repair my plumbing.
If he can do it the easy way, I will be in the hospital only overnight, and can resume regular life within the week.
If he has to gut me like a fish, I am in the hospital for a week, then on light duty for 6 weeks, then a gradual return to a normal lifestyle.
Naturally, my preference is the first option, but I don't really get a say. I won't know which way it went until I get out of recovery and up to my room.
So, here's the prayer request(s): 1) Pray for the easy way, if at all possible; 2) If easy is out, pray for an easy recovery.
I don't like pain--never have. I tolerate it as well as most, but this has me a little scared.
I'll be on here until bedtime on Monday, and then it depends on how it goes in the OR. I'll be back as soon as I am able.
Thanks, guys (and gals)
Crusader Rabbit