I'm all in favor of learning hand-to-hand or open hand techniques. And I definitely think very close-in shooting is a good thing to practice. However, I'm concerned with the logic by which MJ arrived at his conclusion.
1) Is any sample drawn from LEOs valid when applied to the civilian population?
2) Is a sample drawn from LEOs killed a valid basis for all other aggravated attacks?
3) Do criminals have the same motive, motivation and goals when attacking LEOs as when they have when committing aggravated assault on civilians.
Again, not challenging the need for Very Close Quarters training, just the path at which MJ arrived at that conclusion.
Just some unorganized thoughts about the differences between civilian and LEOs.
LEOs put themselves in harms way daily. And they do so at very close proximity to perps.
LEOs confront bad people.
Could it be the motivation is vastly different between civilian and LEO assaults?
Could it be criminals attack LEOs in order to avoid arrest, while they attack civilians for robbery or sexual assault purposes? Does that make a difference for defensive training purposes?
Could it be attacks on LEOs are reactionary, spur-of-the-moment, and with whatever can be used for a weapon?
Could it be robbery/sex assaults are more planned and the weapon thought about in advance?
Could it be civilian targets are of opportunity while LEOs are attacked due to confrontation?
Why not study all aggravated assaults, not just those resulting in death. Divide them into categories, LEO and Civilian. Then compare the findings to see what type of training is needed for each. It could be the same results for both. It could be different.
All that said, yes, I do believe everyone needs to practice "earning their draw".