I bought 5 boxes of the 22 Stangers in case my brothers or friends want a box. I want to keep one unopened box in my ammo collection and may or may not shoot up whatever else I have. I haven't heard or seen it mentioned anywhere, but the headstamp on the Stangers is a number 22 instead of a letter C like all the other CCI rimfire ammo I've seen.
I bought 2 boxes of segmented .22 LR ammo a few years before CCI started making it under their own name. It was called Quik-Shok MPB and was made by Blount, Inc. for Magnum Performance Ballistics (MPB) on un-plated C.C.I. Stinger cases. I still have 1 completely full box that I wrote the date 4-98 across the front of when I bought them. Here are links to what my old pre-CCI brand Quik-Shok looks like. And the CCI Quik-Shok, before they put it in modern packaging and started calling it the Segmented HP. MPB was the same company that made Poly-Shok shotgun shells. Polywad still makes Quik-Shok 12 ga. slugs.
Triton ammo was making ceterfire Quik-Shok segmenting ammo and Super Vel for awhile so I bought some of both in .45 ACP. Super Vel is in production again by the way. Their .45 ACP +P 185 gr JHP with 544 ft/lbs ME has my interest. You could look in the hollowpoint of the Quik-Shok and the core looked like it was 3 segments in one jacket, but it was actually joined at the center as a single piece. I shot a one gallon milk jug with water in it with a Quik-Shok.45 ACP +P bullet and it had 3 holes in the back with a lot of damage caused by the 572 ft-lbs ME. They also made it in .450 SMC with the same bullet at 770 ft-lbs ME. Yowza!
The .450 SMC (Small Magnum Cartridge) is based on .45 Super brass with small-primer pockets to use small-rifle primers. It has slightly higher than .45 Super pressures and had primer-flow problems before switching primer sizes. Double Tap makes ammo for the .450 SMC and the case is the same length as a .45 ACP. If you have a .45 ACP Government Model size 1911 with a +P rating, all you need to do is put a 20-22 pound recoil spring in it. If you have a full-size Glock .45 ACP just put a 21-23 pound spring in it and you're ready to go.
https://www.gunauction.com/buy/13468098 https://grabagun.com/cci-22lr-quik-shok-32gr-50-5000.html https://polywad.com/shop?keywords=Quik-Shok&olsPage=products%2Fquik-shok-sabot-slugs-12-ga-275 https://supervelammunition.com/ http://www.45super.com/Triton%20quik-shok.html http://www.doubletapammo.net/index.php?route=product/category&path=303_354