« on: August 08, 2024, 11:29:00 PM »
As of Monday the 5th, Odysee is removing all ads.
https://odysee.com/@Odysee:8/nomoreads:f NO MORE ADS
Dear friends of Odysee,
Starting today, we're removing all ads.
We don't need ads to make money as a platform and we are confident in the development of our own new monetisation programs that will help creators earn a living and at the same time keep Odysee alive.
Ultimately, sacrificing the overall user experience to make a few bucks isn't worth it to us and nor is it even sustainable for a platform that wishes to make something truly open and creatively free.
As we take this decision, one thing is certain to us, media platforms (even ones that market themselves as 'free-speech') typically devolve into advertising companies and end up becoming beholden to their paymasters. It's been that way for centuries and is never going to change.
As we see YouTube become more aggressive with their ad deployment and 'Free Speech' platforms try to build their own ad businesses it's apparent to us that we're building a model for Odysee that will keep it sustainable not only financially, but in its ability to provide an incorruptible user experience.
Our approach may be considered niche or unconventional, that's fine by us. Odysee will be used by the world on terms that are agreeable to its users, and we know our users don't like ads.
Founder & Creator, Chief Executive Officer.
Julian Chandra
x.com/@odyseeteamWhen I had time to watch more videos, I used to follow Slav Guns.
https://odysee.com/@SlavGuns:6 There's a lot comedy there, gaming, tech, and just everything else.
The White Dudes for Kamala! https://odysee.com/@AwakenWithJP:9/the-white-dudes-for-kamala!:3 New Microsoft AI tool makes still images talk (and rap, sadly) https://odysee.com/@RT:fd/19.04.2024-(mona-lisa-rap):f
""It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at a Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency." - George Washington. Letter to Alexander Hamilton, Friday, May 02, 1783
THE RIGHT TO BUY WEAPONS IS THE RIGHT TO BE FREE - A. E. van Vogt, The Weapon Shops of Isher