Author Topic: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?  (Read 11046 times)

1776 Rebel

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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2008, 12:21:33 PM »
Tom maybe you didn't read the full article. They are not dividing the number up by states. That wouldn't make very much sense. Like any other military command it will be a force to be applied where ever needed. It will be bivouaced out of Georgia.

From the article...

The Pentagon's plan calls for three rapid-reaction forces to be ready for emergency response by September 2011. The first 4,700-person unit, built around an active-duty combat brigade based at Fort Stewart, Ga., was available as of Oct. 1, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of the U.S. Northern Command


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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2008, 12:55:27 PM »
  I don't know about anyone else, but I sure as hell am not feeling the love in this move.  I could be paranoid, but with the last five guns I bought, my back-round check was bumped to an agent.  Could this be the beginning of the confiscation squads?  The only thing the government does well is bloat and lie.
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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2008, 01:22:45 PM »
Why do we need military after the "cat is out of the bag"?  (sorry Haz) 

As in....are we planning on repelling a strike force that will be active or are we just planning on picking up the pieces later?  The words say picking up the pieces....the actions are preparing an organization that can coordinate then employ many tens of thousands of troops. 

If you say to feed, house and protect refugee's...then we should see FEMA disbanded about the time this comes into place.

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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2008, 02:27:31 PM »
I think we will see a fundamental shift in foreign policy by way of a pull back and when that happens the radical elements in country's will be disenfranchised by the moderates. Our policy is so harsh it lends well to extremists getting support from those middle ground citizens who would usually not support them. A shift in policy to a softer stance will leave the extremists without support. IMO troop build up in the US will be to secure and respond to attacks that will surely come in the future. I don't see 20,000 as being a red flag to our citizens.


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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2008, 01:33:06 AM »
If you deployed the entire 20,000 troops into Oakland, Detroit, or Cleveland, SECOND rank cities, NOT LA or NYC, they would still disappear, The type of thing you folks are getting all worked up about would require between 100 and 200 THOUSAND troops MINIMUM.  It would not be enough but that would be the numbers they would start with.
Do any of you Fire Fighters out there know how to deal with Sarin or other nerve agents, How about you Cop's ?
Do you know how to Decon or contain a radiation incident ? You EMT's how do you treat Radiation poisoning or the related burns,what do you look for when Triaging patients ? Doesn't really matter because you most likely would not recognize the symptoms and you do not have the proper detection equipment so you would all die, or at least become casualties thereby increasing the overload on medical facilities that were not directly effected.
That's what most of these troops are trained for, the infantry troops are to provide them security when local agencies discover that half their people ran away like in New Orleans.
Isn't Obama's ECONOMIC policy bad enough ? Do you have to look for black helo's as well ?


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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #15 on: Today at 05:14:05 AM »


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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2008, 06:17:40 AM »
There have been hints about this for some time, small training camps, special uniforms and the like. They all seemed to disappear as soon as the light of publicity was shone upon them.

This isn't about black helos, Tom, it is about the idea that Federal (standing army) troops would be deployed within the US against US citizens. I was reminded that in Arkansas, the 101st Airborne was used, had forgotten that. But as the article and others have stated, it is planned to be cleanup and security after the fact, much like LEOs do today - they don't actually prevent anything unless specifically deployed for that. And when they are, the BGs go somewhere else, where the LEOs / troops aren't.

One of the more troubling aspects of the US military's more recent history (since Nam) is that most of the conflicts have been urban in nature - Panama, Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, etc. We have ignored jungle environments such as in Uganda, in part because our national interests weren't served there. And Afghanistan had to be done, plus it served nicely as a stepping stone into Iraq. But is it just a coincidence that we now have an extensive military trained to operate in urban environments?

Just askin' . . . .  8)
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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2008, 09:53:31 AM »
I would not get too worked up about this for two primary reasons.

First, this unit is comprised basically of first responders to deal with a WMD attack, primarily chemical and/or biological (but we can't rule out Nuclear.)  Our civilian medical structure is not equipped to deal with these types of incidences on a major scale.  Additionally, these types of attacks employ military style weapons and as such, the military is better equipped to deal with it.

Second, regardless of what the role this "Homeland" unit will serve, the President (any President) doesn't really need it.  As soon as a major incident occurs, the President (with full legal authority) will declare a State of Emergency and impose Martial law and suspend the Constitution.  When that happens, all military units, including the National Guard are at his disposal.  The military doesn't really need to "hide" a dedicated unit in the US.  The can access any units needed once Martial law is declared.

But is it just a coincidence that we now have an extensive military trained to operate in urban environments?

I really don't think this is an issue.  Our military has always trained to operate in urban environments.  Most of WWII, once the allies landed in Europe.  Korea, not so much.  Vietnam, the Tet offensive and the battles in Saigon and Hue.  The entire cold war in Europe with the Russians. True, there have been a lot of operations in the last two decades in urban areas, with the exception of Afghanistan, but I don't think it's a secret that there is no military or insurgency that can stand toe to toe with the US Military.  The first Gulf war opened the eyes of the world.  At the time, Iraq had the 4th largest military in the world.  It took a beating like no other force in the history of warfare.  Everyone quickly realized how good our men, equipment, training, and technology really was and that the only way to fight any type of conflict was through an insurgency hidden amongst the population with the goal of slowly dragging out the fight until the US public got tired of the war.  The US is gonna fight the enemy wherever they are, recently that focus has taken us into urban areas of the world.

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1776 Rebel

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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2008, 10:03:30 AM »
the President (with full legal authority) will declare a State of Emergency and impose Martial law and suspend the Constitution.

Could you provide info on how a President can suspend the Constitution? I suspect that this is urban myth.


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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2008, 11:25:52 AM »
the President (with full legal authority) will declare a State of Emergency and impose Martial law and suspend the Constitution.

Could you provide info on how a President can suspend the Constitution? I suspect that this is urban myth.

Not an Urban myth, the mechanism has been in place at least since Lincoln did just that during the Civil war.

1776 Rebel

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Re: Deploying US Military inside US - WTF?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2008, 12:59:15 PM »
Let me disagree. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus. That actually is expressly part of the Constitution.

Article 1 section 9

The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

Look at what is going on now with Gitmo. Even though the President wants to hold these guys SCOTUS basically told him to go pound salt. Today and with the status of understanding of the Presidential powers the suspension of the constitution isn't going to happen. To do so would mean there is NO GOVERNING LAW to the nation. It would mean the dissolution of the US of A.  No matter what the President MAY want to do he only has the powers under the Constitution and is accountable under the Constitution. And that means review by the courts. They may not rule the way we want but that doesn't mean the Constitution is suspended.


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