I really like the .308 battle rifle. So RRA LAR-8 is one of my first choices. I really liked those FN FALs from DSA Arms as well. So those are my first choices, but since I dont either one of them yet I will just go with the best rifle I got. heres my list of SHTF gear. This is if I have 5 min to get ready-
*Puma 1892 .357
*Glock 19- in Galco Shoulder holster. (Gun under Left arm Double mag holder w/mags full under other)
*1911 on Right Side Hip Serpa Holster or some sort of Kydex Belt holster. Out side waist band. I am not looking for concealment but function. Double mag Holder on left hip.
* In front of Mag holder some sort of battle knife. Ka-Bar, SOG Bowie 2.0, Gerber LMF II. I will carry one of these and have the other two in back pack. And Assisted\Auto opening Folder in Back right-side pocket.
* Back Pack- Loaded with extra .357, .45, .9mm (My reasoning for the three different cal firearms and having three is if I have to go to a Rally Point/Safe Area cause my Home is over ran or is an unsafe area I want to be able to accept what ever ammo is available at RP. Also if you do a battle field pick up and that fire arm is damaged drop the mag take the Ammo. A SHTF situation to me is like invasion or something catastrophic where survival is a must and only option. And that survival means I will have to fight and protect my loved ones. They do not have the training I have and it is my duty to use what I know and protect them.) I want water, socks, and a multi-tool. Gloves, Flashlight, and AA Batteries. Alot of stuff runs off AA. I am playing the odds on that. I wont go into all I have in my Bug-Out Bag but I always have one ready in my closet. Call me paranoid I know but I saw what happens when a country invades another country. I live on the Coast and am in a border state too so who do you think will be invaded first?
Well That is the high points I know it is more than one firearm and not just firearms but I wanted to show I have thought alot about this and I hope that others do as well. I have as many details as possible figured into my plan but I know that if something ever should happen there will be things that I cant control. I just hope I am prepared enough to cope.