While I hate to beat a dead horse to within an inch of it's life, since you are the Tactical Rifle guy would you like to put in
your two cents about Micheal Bane's July Broadcast about the proper care and feeding of a Juneteenth mob?
I have only reached partial closure on the topic after lo, these many weeks.
JJ, what's not to get?
1. Don't be there in the first place
2. When things start going hinkey, get the he|| out of there ASAP, lock the car doors and GO! Or head on foot to the woods, away from the crowds, and GO!
3. When you see you way out blocked or difficult, refer back to #2, nothing gets in the way
4. Gunplay in that situation may save your bacon temporarily, but if around a crowd, IMHO you are dead when you pull the trigger the first time, you will not be allowed to survive.
I have been in Chicago when these "festivities" hit the Forest Preserves each June. Trust me, they
always brew up at at least one FP. Also trust me, trying to make a stand is a suicide mission, you will not win without about 300 or more of the local PD's finest around you. So be gone and let the PD deal with the mess.