A few weeks ago I had a few hours of windshield time, and the wheels between my ears were turning. What kind of consumer have we become when we get excited when vendors make their products, that we pay money for, obsolete on a regular basis. It used to be that we purchased items to make our lives easier, and they did. All this electronic gadgetry takes more time. My smartphone, that I didn't really want, but my bride got a package deal on, is constantly updating and adding things on its own. When I log into the internet my computer goes into hyper slow mode while it shares info with every site there is. I go to a website, and they have ads for every item I have searched for over the last 30 days.
What amazes me most about this is the number of people who praise this and look forward to the next update. I am not against technology and improvements, but this has gotten out of hand.