Old El Paso cinnamon churro flavor fiesta twists, with a can or Spiced Zero Sugar Coke.
Coke Zero Sugar has aspartame in it, but not as much as Diet Coke, and it has acesulfame potassium, also know as Ace K, which is is 200 times sweeter than sugar and gets rid of the nasty flavor and metallic aftertaste Diet Coke has. I didn't know it had aspartame in it, I thought it was suralose which is about 600 times sweeter than sugar, and stuff with sucralose generally tastes like it was sweetened with plain old sugar. A lot of times it's mixed with aspartame or acesulfame potassium to make them taste better, but not this time. The Spiced Coke is drinkable but not great. I got a free 12 pack of cans when I bought 3 other 12 packs of Coke products, so the price was right. The website says it tastes like raspberries and spice, but it's too sweet and tastes odd compared to regular flavor Coke zero sugar. It tastes more like flavored iced tea than Coke, but it took me a few days just to figure that out.