Author Topic: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow  (Read 3782 times)


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Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« on: June 15, 2009, 11:54:18 AM »
By Greg Evensen

June 13, 2009

The time for talk is over. Any further delays in implementing self-protecting plans for families, neighborhoods, adjacent farms and ranches are unwise, self-defeating, and potentially disastrous. Further enumeration of the historical failures and the successful plots against freedom, liberty, personal and national sovereignty are a waste of time. Everyone who already knows the reasons for our current state of emergency, are crystal clear as to their origins and the implications for all Republic loving individuals.

That is why I have made the decision to relinquish my weekly radio broadcast on Republic Broadcasting, “Voices from the Heartland” effective May 30th. The time consumed in preparing for that weekly event is now being put into relevant action in the field. I have accepted a number of speaking engagements beginning June 5th and running in Phase I through the middle of August. All of these plans assume one major concept. It is that we will somehow avoid a catastrophe within this nation that emanates from the banking fiasco, the death of the automotive industry, the collapse of the employment market, a nuclear confrontation with North Korea, or any number of other unthinkable possibilities, and all of those outcomes are still far from certain.

Resilient Americans, who have prepared for and are awaiting the other shoe’s arrival upon their heads, are now grouping together in a final effort to gather all of the tactical information they can prior to the end game being fulfilled.

People can continue to complain, blame others, analyze ad nauseum, and not change a thing at this point. Others are preparing for campaigns to unseat a 20 term incumbent and spend the next 18 months working for nothing. Communism under the thin guise of socialism has arrived at our front door. We accepted all of the false, misleading, placating, tranquilizing, feely-good stupidity that the democrats and Barry Sotero offered us. What he was doing all along under the guise of a stimulus, was petting the puppy’s head as he administered the euthanasia drugs.

Any further discussion about how we can use the courts to reverse absolutely mind-numbingly unconstitutional legislation is pointless. The courts are owned by the King and his henchmen. All efforts to convince local government that they must commit to republic building instead of community destruction through politically correct versions of state and national lap-dog plans sent forth from Washington, are useless. Our citizen driven national version of the family SUV has come to rest against the guard rail found at the end of the pavement. The trip is over folks, we are out of road. I wish I could tell you where you are going. If you don’t know or don’t have a map, it wouldn’t do me much good to try to tell you anyway. One thing is for certain; from here you will walk the rest of the way. For many it will be to destination unknown. Most are on the way to the City of Despair, in the State of Confusion, located within the Nation of Disgrace. For others, the destination will not be pleasant nor a matter of choice. You get the picture. Those who, “take all of your belongings and climb into the truck,” will weep in utter misery for the personal negligence that they brought upon themselves and their families. You will have paid the ultimate price.

So,………will you take the final moments God is giving you to step away from your “stupid zone” and do what you should have so long ago?

Will you finally make some plans? Will you really sell off your unnecessary toys and purchase the absolutely necessary survival tools that will give you just a chance to make it through? Will you search out the ultimate truth of our predicament and the One who can give you peace, serenity and eternal life? Can you admit that putting a dictator in office was one of your very worst mistakes, and you will try to make amends by resisting him and his communist platform? Will you do all you can to convert your family and friends who also voted for him and others supporting him to work against him in every way possible? That may sting and burn to be told that, but it is far better than the amputation of your limbs that is coming if he continues to dismantle this nation and its last freedoms.

Editorials like these are expected to consume about 1500 words. This is half that. Like I said, the time for talk is over.



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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2009, 12:19:34 PM »
Look, love BHO, or hate him, guys like this need to take a deep breath and beware of hyperbole. Remember all those on the left who said W would usher in corporate facism, the national security state and the end of exeutive accountability to Congress and the courts? Hell remember Rove boasting of a permenant Republican majority? What happened to that? This is a remarkably resiliant republic. We do swing to extremes, but we tend to right ourselves. Adams and Wilson's sedition acts didn't out live their presidencies, and the economic excesses of the New Deal were corrected in the eighties. Vigililance and awareness and activism, yes. However it is far from time to think that you're not doing more good by political activism than stocking up on MREs and more ammo for the AK (though these are not bad investments). Remember how the world was going to end due to Y2K? There is something about American politics that loves a good conspiracy and takes a perverse pleasure in imagining the end of the world. You all know this is true. The point is, you'll get better results from political organizing than anything else. Call me a patriot, but we've made it this far, and this too shall pass as long as folks stay active and informed.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2009, 12:48:11 PM »
Look, love BHO, or hate him, guys like this need to take a deep breath and beware of hyperbole. Remember all those on the left who said W would usher in corporate facism, the national security state and the end of exeutive accountability to Congress and the courts? Hell remember Rove boasting of a permenant Republican majority? What happened to that? This is a remarkably resiliant republic. We do swing to extremes, but we tend to right ourselves. Adams and Wilson's sedition acts didn't out live their presidencies, and the economic excesses of the New Deal were corrected in the eighties. Vigililance and awareness and activism, yes. However it is far from time to think that you're not doing more good by political activism than stocking up on MREs and more ammo for the AK (though these are not bad investments). Remember how the world was going to end due to Y2K? There is something about American politics that loves a good conspiracy and takes a perverse pleasure in imagining the end of the world. You all know this is true. The point is, you'll get better results from political organizing than anything else. Call me a patriot, but we've made it this far, and this too shall pass as long as folks stay active and informed.

Quaker, the people are unemployed, depressed, running out of money, and running out of patients.  The time is right for forceful change, give it a few months, the pressure will build and all it'll take is one hair line crack to give way.  And our Fathers got much better results through steel than diplomacy.  And what this climate has over Y2K, and the other Hell descending events is the economy, and everyone know that that's what sparks revolution.  You give enough people no income and unlimited free time and they'll find a cause to replace work.  Not saying that I'm as excited about it this Evensen fellow, but I've study enough history to know how it works.  Personally I'm not sure how this is going to work out, I'm scared of one possibility and terrified at another.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2009, 12:53:10 PM »
FQ13 did you say republic?  Hell we haven't been a republic since before 1930. Ever since the commerce department was put into place. That was the last nail. Resilient , we will see.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2009, 02:23:16 PM »
Look, love BHO, or hate him, guys like this need to take a deep breath and beware of hyperbole. Remember all those on the left who said W would usher in corporate facism, the national security state and the end of exeutive accountability to Congress and the courts? Hell remember Rove boasting of a permenant Republican majority? What happened to that? This is a remarkably resiliant republic. We do swing to extremes, but we tend to right ourselves. Adams and Wilson's sedition acts didn't out live their presidencies, and the economic excesses of the New Deal were corrected in the eighties. Vigililance and awareness and activism, yes. However it is far from time to think that you're not doing more good by political activism than stocking up on MREs and more ammo for the AK (though these are not bad investments). Remember how the world was going to end due to Y2K? There is something about American politics that loves a good conspiracy and takes a perverse pleasure in imagining the end of the world. You all know this is true. The point is, you'll get better results from political organizing than anything else. Call me a patriot, but we've made it this far, and this too shall pass as long as folks stay active and informed.

That's great to do in whatever spare time you have left, but it doesn't make you a patriot. If you put political activism above provision and protection of you and yours, then you might as well go stand in line at the slaughter house. This is not a time for weakness by the American people. Our government is providing enough of that on their own.

Politics in this country have become a joke. Leading the way are the radical socialists, followed closely by the spaghetti spined moderates. For the first time in American history, both parties are universally hated. This stems from the disenfranchisement of voters from all demographics.

People don't trust the government to protect us. Or to leave us alone to make our own way. I'm all for staying active in the political process, but I'm getting awfully fed up with being ignored. As are most people. There's a s&*t storm coming FQ, and you'd better make sure you've got the shoes for it. Standing around with a sign in your hand while your house is on fire just isn't going to get it.
I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery.
God grant that I may not be found wanting,
that I will not fail this sacred trust.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #5 on: Today at 09:07:08 AM »


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2009, 02:23:57 PM »
Look, love BHO, or hate him, guys like this need to take a deep breath and beware of hyperbole. Remember all those on the left who said W would usher in corporate facism, the national security state and the end of exeutive accountability to Congress and the courts? Hell remember Rove boasting of a permenant Republican majority? What happened to that? This is a remarkably resiliant republic. We do swing to extremes, but we tend to right ourselves. Adams and Wilson's sedition acts didn't out live their presidencies, and the economic excesses of the New Deal were corrected in the eighties. Vigililance and awareness and activism, yes. However it is far from time to think that you're not doing more good by political activism than stocking up on MREs and more ammo for the AK (though these are not bad investments). Remember how the world was going to end due to Y2K? There is something about American politics that loves a good conspiracy and takes a perverse pleasure in imagining the end of the world. You all know this is true. The point is, you'll get better results from political organizing than anything else. Call me a patriot, but we've made it this far, and this too shall pass as long as folks stay active and informed.

You are exactly the sort of head in the sand dipstick that we have to thank for this problem. You can excuse ANYTHING can't you ? You said"  the economic excesses of the New Deal were corrected in the eighties.", If you actually BELIEVE that crap you are a bigger ass than I thought, where do you think the root of our current situation lies ? The fact is that this has been building since FDR quit issuing LEGAL money and started printing worthless paper, "backed by the integrity of the US Govt.". You damn fool, THEY HAVE NO INTEGRITY ! You will be among the many who die , baffled, surprised and unprepared because you are to brain washed to believe what your eyes tell, instead you listen to the same Big Brother who is killing you.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2009, 02:39:47 PM »
You are exactly the sort of head in the sand dipstick that we have to thank for this problem. You can excuse ANYTHING can't you ? You said"  the economic excesses of the New Deal were corrected in the eighties.", If you actually BELIEVE that crap you are a bigger ass than I thought, where do you think the root of our current situation lies ? The fact is that this has been building since FDR quit issuing LEGAL money and started printing worthless paper, "backed by the integrity of the US Govt.". You damn fool, THEY HAVE NO INTEGRITY ! You will be among the many who die , baffled, surprised and unprepared because you are to brain washed to believe what your eyes tell, instead you listen to the same Big Brother who is killing you.
Your faith in the Constitution and your fellow citizens is touching as always Tom. However, are you even listening to yourself? We have a functioning constitutional government, maybe not run  the way either of us would like it, but running none the less. When they start censoring the press (in the interest of national security) or cancel an election (due to the current crisises) THEN I'll join you. Until then, I'll fight my battles politically. The bugout bag is packed, but its not even close to the time time to run off and find your own private Alamo.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2009, 02:45:01 PM »
To hell with running off! My private Alamo is standing shoulder to shoulder w/ every AMERICAN (that includes you too FQ) and telling the government NO! Stop spending money, stop ignoring the people, stop giving more rights to terrorists than to your own citizens!!!!! When they start canceling elections, and restricting free speech it will be too late. And until you realize that, the rest of us will have to fight on your behalf.
I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery.
God grant that I may not be found wanting,
that I will not fail this sacred trust.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2009, 02:55:28 PM »
To hell with running off! My private Alamo is standing shoulder to shoulder w/ every AMERICAN (that includes you too FQ) and telling the government NO! Stop spending money, stop ignoring the people, stop giving more rights to terrorists than to your own citizens!!!!! When they start canceling elections, and restricting free speech it will be too late. And until you realize that, the rest of us will have to fight on your behalf.
Then we agree sir, we fight politically. Prepare, but recognize a political struggle for what it is. And I too, will have your six.


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Re: Prepare! The night is here : Mornings light will follow
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2009, 03:41:14 PM »
Then we agree sir, we fight politically. Prepare, but recognize a political struggle for what it is. And I too, will have your six.

DEAL! 8)
I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery.
God grant that I may not be found wanting,
that I will not fail this sacred trust.


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