Tag: PJ Media
In Praise of the Non-Shotgun Firearm
Sometimes, when a 12-gauge response might be or is required, the best choice can be the ubiquitous non-shotgun firearm, like the Mossberg Shockwave or the Remington TAC-14. Michael’s choice is the Rock Island VRF-14…semiauto, magazine fed and fitted with a 1000 lumen/green laser from Streamlight.
A Great Day on the Range with WYOTAC!
This week Michael recounts working as an adjunct instructor for WYOTAC, Wyoming Tactical, in their Intuitive Defensive Shooting class, and how some of the lessons learned help us navigate the changing landscapes for self-defense.
Careful What You Walk Into!
As the self-defense landscape continues to change, we have to keep challenging our own assumptions to prepare for evolving threats! This week Michael talks about the “new raiders."