Tag: michaelbane.tv
Getting Ready for SHOT 2025!
Michael frantically gets ready for the big show in Vegas, but first has to deliver a mea culpa on the Federal 7mm Backcountry. Plus,...
RXM: Ruger’s New Difference Engine
Ruger surprised the pre-SHOT crowd with an all-new line of semiauto pistols, the first being the 9mm 15-shot RXM, a collaboration between Ruger and...
The Podcast Turns 21!
With our opening episode of 2025, the podcast turns 21 years old and can now legally buy liquor…joke! Two critical points this week — we MUST elect an NRA BoD committed to change, and here’s how we do it. Secondly, yes, politics has changed, but the world hasn’t.
World Class Revolver Training!
Last year’s Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE brought together the best revolver trainers in the world, and you can only see it here at TRIGGERED! Here’s our first report!
A Special Christmas Thank You, Part 2!
Every year we like to thank our sponsors who, in fact, make everything we do possible. And what better gifts that than the high-quality guns and products you see on TRIGGERED?
Things Are Better, But the Threat Remains!
Michael has some end-of-the-year thoughts on this last podcast of 2024…preparedness continues to be an important element of our new — and hopefully improving — self-defense landscape. An in-between that big dinner and rocking around the Christmas tree, try to get in a little shooting!
Ruger RXM: First Look!
This morning Ruger rolled out their newest entry into the 9mm striker-fired polymer-framed sweepstakes, the RXM, in conjunction with industry giant MagPul. Michael has had one of the new RXMs since Thanksgiving, and here’s a first look!
A Special Christmas Thank You, Part 1!
Every year we like to thank our sponsors who, in fact, make everything we do possible. And what better gifts that than the high-quality guns and products you see on TRIGGERED?
Another Successful Revolver Round-Up!
The Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up at GUNSITE has become one of the most respected revolver training events in the world, and this years was no different. Michael has all the inside info.
New Products Galore!
Every year Outdoor News America hosts a writers conference to show off new products we can all expect at SHOT. Get your credit cards ready, because here is a first look!